decentraland / proposals

Review of community proposals for Decentraland's art and applications
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Dynamic Teraforming #102

Open kyleboehlen opened 6 years ago

kyleboehlen commented 6 years ago

Intro: The vision of decentraland is described on the website as having a 'Times Square' like center, that then branches out into other portions of decentraland.

Problems with this vision: When land is created it is created in an x,y format. Depending on when MANA is burned, you could have undeveloped, or LAND with sub-par content in the center near 0,0.

Proposition: I propose we use several different solutions to this;

  1. A 2 form address for land. One address created when MANA is burned, and an address is picked next to adjacent land, this is used to actually track the land, but a second x,y address is used in conjunction with the actual address for where the land is displayed. For example, if the address created is 38, -45 but the content is extremely good, and often visited, it could be given a possible second address of -30, +40 which would make the tile actually display at 8,5.
  2. The secondary address is created, and changed dynamically, based off of visits and bookmarks(see 3), so quality content is moved to the center.
  3. I propose that if displayed position is dynamically changed based off of a secondary address that users are able to bookmark spots by their actual location, so they can return to it later even if the display address has changed. This bookmarks would affect the secondary address.
  4. To keep tiles from becoming moved away from tiles that correspond to their content, tiles can be linked in squares. I.E. a 2x2 linked tile, or a 3x3, 4x4, etc. Only being able to link tiles in squares would make it easier to place them near the center, instead of the it being like playing tetris.
  5. Tags are created for linked tiles that allow tiles of a same format to be placed near each other. I.E. Casions, art galleries, maybe tags for new content, or random content as groups.

Conclude: Displaying tiles based off of a secondary address would push people to create quality content, would keep people from having undeveloped land, would keep land from inherently being worth more just because it was near the center, and would create a better experience for those who are entering decentraland.

-slack UN: kyleboehlen