decentraland / proposals

Review of community proposals for Decentraland's art and applications
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Ethical and Moral Land Ownership and Stewardship #106

Open cfl0ws opened 6 years ago

cfl0ws commented 6 years ago

Background -

The real world rewards property owners who own and manage land in amoral and unethical ways. The real world rewards land owners who drain value from the property. This happens at the expense of the property, the beings who inhabit it and the environment.

These practices drain the land's value. They leave an empty shells where thriving ecosystems stood. Abuse and mistreatment of the land inhabitants runs rampant. This happens from the rainforest to cities.

Proposal -

The Decentraland community flips this model on its head. The Decentraland communitiy rewards moral and ethical land ownership.

Result -

Property is respected. Its renewable properties are enhanced, not drained. Inhabitants' are treated with respect too.

This creates a renewable and virtuous cycle. It reverses the draining and destructive cycle rewarded by the real world.

CodeSchwert commented 6 years ago

@chris-remus as a subscriber to your newsletter/blog I'm glad to see your getting involved with various crypto projects!

Rewarding ethical and moral land ownership is an interesting idea. Hopefully it'd also help deter land speculators from buying and holding LAND preventing it from being used for something productive. As someone who owns and lives on a lifestyle block / farm, it's something I think about often!

One question that arises though, who decides what is moral and ethical with regards to land ownership in a decentralised VR world?

dmconley commented 6 years ago

we need to use market dynamics to create a sustaining ecosystem, I am going to recommend that the more dcl translates to real world systems the better. The idea is that general market supply and demand in a virtual economy can provide real wealth growth which itself promotes sustainability.

dmconley commented 6 years ago

the physical limitations of the real world are what we are transcending with dcl but at this "pioneering" stage of the industry we need to lean towards promoting functional systems we are accustomed to irl like supply and demand and specialization.