decentraland / proposals

Review of community proposals for Decentraland's art and applications
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Observation Tower #109

Open CodeSchwert opened 6 years ago

CodeSchwert commented 6 years ago

Name: The Observation Tower

Purpose: VR Sightseeing. A “camera” attached to the Observation Tower would also regularly snapshot the surrounding LAND which could be turned into a time lapse record of DCL growing. The camera might also stream a live video feed from the tower to YouTube and/or other platforms. (snapshots and videos could be stored on IPFS too)

Description: The base of the tower could be a kind of plaza or public type meeting space, or bunch of cafes …, with a teleportation device, or lift, to ferry tower-goers to the observation deck(s).

The tower itself should be very tall, like towering, to get a good view of the surrounding LAND. Some of the deck(s) could even be venues for meetings, gigs, taco stands, etc.

The cameras on the tower could be very discreet, or could be a feature of the tower, like a large burning eye, for example. Either way, they should allow for capturing a visual record of DCL as it grows and maybe provide a live stream from the upper most observation deck(s).

If there was enough interest, we could even build a winding staircase from bottom to top for people crazy enough to walk/run the length of the tower. An annual staircase marathon could be organised too!

A VR bungee could be setup similar to the Sky Tower SkyJump in Auckland New Zealand,

Another feature of the tower is that parts, or all, of the architecture could change on a regular-ish basis similar to Google doodles. The designs could be community submitted, and could be a way for artists and content creators to showcase their talent to the denizens of Decentraland.

With regards to the tiles required for the Observation Tower, it could be built on a single LAND tile. The main feature is the height of the tower, so as long as there isn't a height restriction, a single LAND tile would be sufficient to build the tower. However, given more land, the public space / plaza at the bottom of the tower and Observation Decks could then be much larger allowing for a kind of stacked venue in the sky made up of the various observation decks, topped off with a giant flaming eye (camera) thing.

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EmmaMakhno commented 6 years ago

somebody needs to program a VR telescope to go on the tower.

CodeSchwert commented 6 years ago

@EmmaMakhno A VR telescope would be another interesting addition to the tower. Sounds like an interesting challenge to code too!