decentraland / proposals

Review of community proposals for Decentraland's art and applications
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Usage/upkeep of land incentive #127

Open dmconley opened 6 years ago

dmconley commented 6 years ago

If someone is not taking care of a parcel that is located physically in an area which can likely produce income, that parcel should be moved to a specific set area of dcl while a new individual rents the parcels location for something active. The rent can be adjusted according to fair market rates but should not provide the absentee owner any incentive to abandon.

Dmitry1987 commented 6 years ago

Good idea, idle parcels should "expire" and become available for purchase if not developed. Otherwise lands that were bought by investors just to HODL them, will ruin game experience.

collac commented 6 years ago

how long does the land has to be empty to be claimed by someone else?

Dmitry1987 commented 6 years ago

I think depends on proximity to "developed" lands. If it's surrounded by developed parcels - 1 month. If it's remote - 1 year.

daxadax commented 6 years ago

How does that make sense? If I want to leave my land empty, I'm free to do it - and what determines if a land is "idle"?

I read one proposal that said land which hasn't been touched should begin to grow weeds, then trees, then become a small forest - I think I like that more than turning DCL into a homeowner's association.

Dmitry1987 commented 6 years ago

good proposal @daxadax , i haven't seen this, can be a solution for empty lands, true. it's just ugly to see miles and miles of land that investors bought and want to hold lets say for 5 years - it kills the purpose of the VR world - it must be full of content and fun to explore.

at the moment seeing the amounts of money invested in the auction - especially land near roads (1k$-10k$+ per parcel) and crazy bids near central plaza (I think I saw a lot of 40-50k$+ bids on single parcel) - it seems people will develop stuff for sure on their land. Otherwise how do they expect to make it back, those amounts of money.

silkwebware commented 6 years ago

Proposal - Management Contract (including fee payment) Allows employment of designers etc. Not all speculators want to develop land. Make it easy for them to have the land developed by 3rd party. Incentives for designers/developers adding to the economy and avoiding stagnation.

Also, we need a way to easily contact land land owners? I'm not in to enforcement and I believe in anonymity so if there is a way to do this we should discuss.

Funkcikle commented 6 years ago

I'm firmly opposed to this idea, barren patches of wasteland add character to any city, where will the kids hang out and get upto naughty things ?

Think of the children !!

But seriously, this smacks of imposing your opinions on others, beauty for instance is a matter of opinion, and everyone has an opinion and everyones is equally worthless. Thats how wars are started.

silkwebware commented 6 years ago

They can hang out in between the Red Light & Fashion districts like in most cities. Haha.