decentraland / proposals

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Proposal Feudal Titles/Achievement System #137

Open TronQuix0te opened 6 years ago

TronQuix0te commented 6 years ago

Lets be honest.... who doesn't wish they were a Lord.

Project Lead: Tron Quixote

Team: Myself as of now. Anybody who is interested in helping write this into either a smart contract or adding this to an open badge.

Goal: To have Royal Titles within Decentraland

Category: Private

LAND Needed: This is dependent on if we need an actual facility. More important is the association of titles to specific plots of land.

Process: During this first round of land purchases owners have the option to "Royalize" your land. We would determine the Royal aristocracy we would like to follow i.e. Lord, Duque, Conde etc. Once that is chosen the owners of their land will be able to title it as they would like. This can only be done once, and would forever code the title into the land.

Startup Costs: Very Low for the concept itself. Possibly a fee for the right to royalty.

How will funds be raised: Most likely it would be a fee associated with purchase.

How will contributors see a return value? You become royalty... Do I really have to say anything else? Well, also, a royal title associated with your land might increase resale!

silkwebware commented 6 years ago

Might not go down to well with general anarcho capitalist mentality. Me included.

TronQuix0te commented 6 years ago

Well, I certainly am not trying to ruffle any feathers. The idea is just for fun, so if the concept is upsetting then thats the last thing I want.

It's meant to be a fun addition with no real implications on Decentraland as a whole. I wanted to add some level of rarity or preciousness, similar to the Gen 0 cryptokitties right now.

It could just as easily evolve into an achievement system. I LOVE achievements.

Achievements for essentially being part of the launch, for time logged into decentraland, for parcels, etc etc

TronQuix0te commented 6 years ago

I also realize this is addressed in the WP

"Digital Collectibles We expect users to publish, distribute, and collect rare digital assets issued on the blockchain by their creators. Just as it occurs today in other virtual worlds or through online forums, these digital assets will be traded inside this world through the scripting system and be backed by the aforementioned naming system."

silkwebware commented 6 years ago

Anarco-Capitalists love freedom from what are considered oppressors (The global Elite) That's why we created crypto in the first place as a way to release ourselves from such tyranny.

We love achievement too! Free markets without regulation and personal responsibility, in all aspect of our lives, without rulers or the nanny state.

Please don't believe the propaganda that is written about us. We are not vandals, we operate within non-aggression principles and our goal is for individual freedoms.

I know you mean well & yes your idea may have some merit. There certainly should be no regulations stopping such a thing.

I hope you understand where I'm coming from too. It's from the same spirit as the most important anarco-capitalist, Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin.

silkwebware commented 6 years ago

Just been thinking further on this Tron. It's probably something that will evolve organically anyway. Nothing wrong with tribes. (Otherwise known as collaboration)