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13 Month Moon Calendar as Official Calendar #147

Open Penta-Gram opened 6 years ago

Penta-Gram commented 6 years ago

13 moon calendar.

The moon cycle is 28 days. There are 13 cycles in one sun rotation. Because our endocrinology is attached to celestial cycles (cortisol, melatonin etc.), we have an opportunity to counteract some of the dissociate affects of immersive virtual reality, perhaps even optimizing out hormonal systems.


Calendar year has 13 months with 28 days each, divided into exactly 4 weeks (13 × 28 = 364). An extra day added as a holiday (Decentraland's Birthday.) Its day does not belong to any week and brings the total to 365 days. The celebration is extended a day for leap year.

There are several advantages of the 13 month moon Calendar

The subdivision of the year is very regular and systematic -Every year has exactly 52 weeks divided in 13 months. -Each month has exactly 28 days divided in 4 weeks. -Every day of the month falls on the same weekday in each month—the 17th always falls on a Tuesday, for example. -Because our perceptions are structured around time, Immersion into a VR world synced to the natural cycles of the planet will help us connect more harmoniously with our physical home.

finalizarverkstad commented 3 years ago

Strongly seconded!

This is called the International Fixed Calendar (invented 1902) and was officially implemented by the Kodak camera company for 70 years!

The Abysmal Calendar is a great implementation of this and well thought out. It harmonizes Unix time, gregorian calendar, and the ideal 13 month calendar. It also offers an opportunity to create a global, inclusive, neutral calendar naming system. When you think about it is quite strange that our days are named after, essentially, old gods, and our months in some cases also have this cultural tinge. An entirely distinct and sovereign digital universe should be as independent, open, and neutral as possible, and in most cases this requires novel designs disparate from the real world architectures.

Read more about the Abysmal IFC calendar implementation.

There is no reason to use realworld calendar for an entirely new universe which (I imagine) aims to have its own culture, traditions, etc. This method is much more standard, easy to memorize, and will allow for all kinds of fun holidays since there is consistency across numbering and days of the week.

It also means that in the middle of a "realworld" weekday you could find some respite in the form of a Decentraland weekend or holiday. I imagine a number of interesting dynamics will come from the unique time keeping system.

Also, virtual moonphases, unlike in the realworld, would provide an extremely accurate clock in the virtual universe. You could very easily keep track of the seasons and days of the week just by checking a virtual moon.

Additionally, it would allow the community to come up with unique Month names, which could be both useful and fun, and could open the door to a new virtual system of uniquely named weekdays and other time-play. It would make the universe distinct from the "realworld," providing a very interesting ambiance, and would be nomenclature neutral from the very convoluted calendar system (named after an ancient emperor who has nothing to do with decentraland) of the realworld.

From wikipedia:

The several advantages of the International Fixed Calendar are mainly related to its organization.

The subdivision of the year is very regular and systematic: Each month has exactly 4 weeks (28 days). Every day of the month falls on the same weekday in each month (e.g. the 17th always falls on a Tuesday). Every year has exactly 52 weeks divided in 13 months. The calendar is the same every year (perennial), unlike the annual Gregorian calendar, which differs from year to year. Hence, scheduling is easier for institutions and industries with extended production cycles. Movable holidays celebrated on the nth certain weekday of a month, such as U.S. Thanksgiving day, would be able to have a fixed date while keeping their traditional weekday. Statistical comparisons by months are more accurate, since all months contain exactly the same number of business days and weekends, likewise for comparisons by 13-week quarters. Supporters of the International Fixed Calendar have argued that thirteen equal divisions of the year are superior to twelve unequal divisions in terms of monthly cash flow in the economy.[10]

Practically all of the downsides have no bearing in a virtual environment.

Interesting article on International Fixed Calendar and Kodak.

ichnaton777 commented 2 years ago

This 13 moon calendar is required to get society at a different pace, into a different mind set. Isn't that what decentraland is about? Now I don't know what dear is about, but I do get the maya tzolkin version of this.