decentraland / proposals

Review of community proposals for Decentraland's art and applications
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Crafting & Objects #23

Open jcyr opened 7 years ago

jcyr commented 7 years ago

I am a big fan of crafting and how it relates to economies. A recipe which requires certain ingredients, perhaps special locations, skills (reputation, training, affiliation), etc, which then results in a totally new object.

In many games this is typical and done with specific care. It has significant effects on an economy. In a decentralized model where the users can create new objects to then distribute as they see fit (free, limited editions, expensive, etc) lots of questions come into play for some sort of crafting dynamic.

Generally one could say that crafting can only be done with items created from the same originating creator. This would allow the creator to script the process for crafting, required steps, ingredients, location, outcome, etc. This gives complete control mostly. It does not allow for integrating objects from other creators. This has both pro's and con's.

Should I as a recipe creator have rights to specify someone else's creation in my recipe? Can I require that the crafting of that item is on land not owned by me (ex: someone else made Mt Doom in Mordor but I make the One Ring recipe and want to require people use said location). Is that making things too complicated and messy?

So perhaps an attribute of all objects is 'does the creator grant permission to others to use it in recipes' and same for land but for crafting locations. Does the crafted item also have the same permission (one crafts an item, which is then an ingredient for another item, etc).

I am not sure where I come down on this. I think probably permission isn't needed.

Additionally I imagine several hundred versions of the same basic Iron Throne recipe (or object) for example. This can cause confusing purely from a naming perspective. If someone makes a rare object, but another person makes a technically unique object with very similar model, and same name, and makes it free and unlimited, or just less expensive, for the intent of tricking the consumer, is there any recourse? Should naming of player made objects be unique? Does that then create a scarcity value as well. The first to create key objects with popular names gets the spoils?

Recipe Script Example attributes:



These could be mixed in whatever way needed. Either as a chain of steps in one recipe or perhaps a bunch of mini recipes for some bigger more elaborate item.

Some of this may actually be already dealt with in aframe with event triggers. I haven't gone through it with any detail yet.

Which then brings us to recipes themselves. They would be an object class, unique and of value to be sold, given away, rare, auctioned off (see auction house issue), etc. Once someone has a recipe can they gift/resell or is it attached to them permanently?

I can imagine an example recipe of fireworks. A simple one requires just a few key ingredients. Once created it makes a final firework object which has a single use and is then consumed. Big firecracker - Red with orange glow.

Require: Gunpowder, Red Pigment, Orange Pigment, Paper, stick, fuse. Require: Proximity to mortar and pestle. (we can literally require hover over mortar and pestle in vr) Trigger: Grinding sound effect. Outcome: Big Firecracker - Red with orange glow: added to inventory

Has anyone brought up consumables yet?