decentraland / proposals

Review of community proposals for Decentraland's art and applications
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Airspace Management in Decentraland #76

Open grok-that opened 6 years ago

grok-that commented 6 years ago

Proposal: Airspace Management in Decentraland

Airspace management will be vital to the Decentraland ecosystem. If verticality is uncapped across the entire world, we could possibly end up with a skyline that is reminiscent of Inception's Limbo:


I posit this on economic grounds. While there is no doubt that there will be incredible innovation and beautiful creations (even beautiful, towering creations), if/when there is economic incentive to build upward, people will build upward. More living spaces, more casino games, more theaters, more stores, more everything. Obviously, in any metropolis there will be many tall buildings, but with no costs for construction, there is little reason for developers to not build upward. If they have enough contiguous plots of LAND, they could even use new vertical sections for their new parks, amusement parks, paintball courses, lounges, etc., and never need to buy LAND ever again. This could actually devalue new LAND, and thereby MANA, in the long run, as people may start offering slices of their buildings for below-market rates, and at no cost to them.

Thus far, I have seen nothing from the devs about capping verticality, and this is something that is very hard to address cleanly. In a world with such creative freedom, how can we put people in a box like this?

I don't have one end-all proposal here, but I merely wanted to bring up this idea with the community to get the ball rolling. Some floating thoughts that have run through my head:

Should we let this sort itself out in the world, and hope that enough people choose to build something other than towering skyscrapers?

Perhaps if Decentraland becomes a district0x district, we can set votes on proposals for buildings above a certain height. Or votes can be held to set height limits in the city, or maybe smaller scale areas like neighborhoods? Can smaller neighborhoods be their own district0x districts? HOA?

Maybe we can cap airspace at a certain quota for a given subsect of the city, and people are free to lease/sell their quota to other LANDowners (there would need to be some protections for both the purchaser and seller here).

Or perhaps the further from the center of Genesis City you are, the lower your verticality limit is, lest you get approval from nearby LANDowners, to 'force' the location of 'downtown'. This would severely cripple the value of LAND further out, though.

We could also place a MANA tax or one-time fee on for every meter built above a certain height, and the tax is distributed to surrounding LANDowners. The efficacy of this could be mitigated by all developers in a region building into the tax zone, and receiving dividends from each other

All ideas are welcome on this front!

EmmaMakhno commented 6 years ago

I am all for unlimited z axis because it will allow people that cant afford to invest in land be able to utilize the vertical spaces for cheap. thus getting more participation.

You will have a type of class system where people that build vertical are poor and people that build xy expansive can still virtue signal their wealth like assholes.

having freakishly tall buildings is a classic metaverse staple. tunnels can be built through high buildings at various levels for peoples flying cars to go through at no cost to the land owner since z axis is unlimited. The unlimited Z axis is important so people are willing to cede portions of their land for transport networks like roads/ subways tunnels under their buildings.