decentraland / proposals

Review of community proposals for Decentraland's art and applications
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Other worlds, private worlds, and the wild dangerous west... #87

Open FutureNathan opened 6 years ago

FutureNathan commented 6 years ago

Other worlds, private worlds, and the wild dangerous west...

Purpose: This would give us an easier way to manage physics, content types/ratings, and rules to abide by.

Description: Create alternate worlds or areas only connected by portals to minimize issues and gain options. portals

Instead of just one big world you can minimize a lot of the physics engine issues and minimize server use closing worlds until users become active among other benefits. These worlds can be used for different purposes with different rules than the main world as well as creating "x-rated", "kids worlds" or "Private use worlds" for businesses, organizations, schools, or others, but also for more fun areas like a "No rules areas, where people might not own land at all but fight over it or take it back from zombies or etc" zombies

I think the private use worlds where they might monetize slightly different or maybe the group would purchase the land for a period of time would give a big chance for businesses to test out experiments, showcase products, and experiences to potential clients like realtors or architects showing houses or buildings. house vr car

Especially with social experiments, social interactions, different economy type based worlds or the like that wouldn't fit under the traditional use case for most people using the normal Decentraland that might look closer to SecondLife but could include things like the Venus project simulating resource based economies for example. image

This would provide a huge platform and opportunity for new users that would be a win win for lots of reasons from efficiency, fun game modes, to bringing on new clients and much more.

FutureNathan commented 6 years ago

I'm not exactly sure how it would be used but acting more as a platform and less like a second life built on blockchain will yield much more usefulness, create more profit and be way more interesting.

flatyoder commented 6 years ago

I've been thinking about something similar. I've imagined my tile of land can have the physics and scaling that I choose. This would help facilitate 'exhibits' of different size in the same plot of land. Further, if I wanted a museum style building with multiple exhibits, I could have a lobby floor with default decentraland physics and scaling. A user could then enter a door with a key to a particular exhibit. That key would open a door only to the exhibit to which it is linked. That would give control over what content is accessible, and potentially a way to regualte physics and scaling between tiles of land and potentially, 'floors' in the building.

No clue how conceivable this is based on what can be done in decentraland, but a thought nonetheless.

Artif3x commented 6 years ago

Wouldnt this completely devalue land as land? You wouldnt be buying land anymore, you would be buying portals/doorways. There would be absolutely no value in owning more than one piece of contigious land. The point is that land is scarce, if all land becomes a tardis its no longer scarce, or valuable, and you can already build up all you have to do is switch gravity 90% and with a few connected tiles of land you can actually have an infinitely long space to play in, you just have to pay for your width and height. You already have one infinite dimension, I think its fair that the other two be limited. Other options for saving physics is to divide decentraland into areas of a fixed size divided by simple walls, so you only need to load part of the world at a time. Or block off areas according to physics applied.

FutureNathan commented 6 years ago

@Artif3x You are missing that these would not be the same use land. They would still have to be paid for and valued very similar to other lands.

For example, if I'm Company X and I make electronics like Microsoft or LG or and I'm looking for a place to showcase and let others view, interact with or use my product in some way this would give me a place to do it. I would, however, want certain rules and certain standards within this area. No X-rated, no crazy creatures flying by in and I can see nearby, etc etc etc. They want to give a certain look and feel to everything plus they want to maybe give a guest account to their users and a private login area that would not look and feel the same. I can view and interact within a Microsoft sponsored area but without having to own and make a Decentraland account. The same as house builders, product makers or any other company. They want to be able to give the experience of VR and their own product or service without all their clients having to make and own a Decentraland account. This is a company decision and maybe they find they just want to build in the common world or not at all. Maybe Decentraland founders don't want to let companies or schools etc join on but... I think it would be the way to make this truly special and part of the future over just a second life copy cat for a quick buck off the Blockchain hype.

This land would not be cheap and even for private owners like me and you would have to purchase this land for a set minimum price. It's not to say I have all the answers but.... I strongly believe that this would be maybe the single largest thing they could do to bring more people to the platform and help the community as a whole. I walk into a microsoft store and they give me a VR headset like this to walk around a private area they have set up and now I am interested in the tech and what is outside the private area to make my own account. Besides all the money that would be able to enter the system from companies and groups that would fund further development of the world for everyone to directly benefit from.

FutureNathan commented 6 years ago

My biggest concern is that they are going to make a copy of second life where it's going to be just a sex driven market for people to buy and sell women's items for profit and now it's just on the blockchain to take advantage of the hype.

I'd like to see actual use and future value in the game besides the limited offerings of Second life. To provide a platform for more and more markets and user types to get online and use the place I think serves everyone best.

Why not bring on more users and more money to build this into something cool for all types of users that something like this could help...

BTW.. Private worlds aka (basically just worlds you can access separately.) are not the biggest issue they have. If owners can change physics in such a way in a normal one world system would still have issues with you walking into a land type and basically them abusing the z-axis by having small pieces of land with a decent horizontal space and then just having characters "walk on the walls" as the new ground and having to only really purchase land as wide as they want the ceiling tall and as deep as they want the floor wide. People could build infinitely long buildings and just pay for a land plot that is 10 meters(ceiling height) by 50 meters (width of the building) and then the land is devalued that way as well.

Artif3x commented 6 years ago

If these worlds are no bigger than the footprint of the land they are on, then I agree it would be workable..but then the question would be why bother, sorely owning the land is eventually going to enable the owner to set their physics to default or their own ones? Im not really getting how this would be different from a company just buying the land and installing all their own stuff, and having a login point for their own use as a land owner.

Are you simply talking about isolating the physics of land tiles and putting them under the owners control, or allowing a land tile to be any size once entered, or both?

I was thinking of virtual online shopping. If Amazon want in they buy a whole set of land near a high traffic area, set up signs and an interior, and users walk in and can choose everything they would in the online store, but through virtual interactions. The company would need to provide extra processing space for all the users as well as multiple instances to allow for the high numbers, but theres one commercial use. A virtual office program accessible offline that is also linked to your land. When not online and you go in you are just in a standard office suite, with all the usual programs and software on your computer. When online you can exit your office into the virtual area next to it, go out and explore, buy upgrades for your office or land, and so on. Linking offline to online use for business.