On start (login screen) and in the backpack there is an issue in which some wearables are being cut down and do not enter in full view due to the camera being clip on the height.
On the backpack, when zooming in the avatar gets chopped and we are seeing only the middle part of it, not the head or the legs.
For the backpack: zoom onto the avatar and see that the head and feet are not visible due to clipping
For the login screen is necessary to have a wearable with enough height that will produce the effect of being cut
Explorer Alpha build versions:
Not version specific
Issue Description:
On start (login screen) and in the backpack there is an issue in which some wearables are being cut down and do not enter in full view due to the camera being clip on the height. On the backpack, when zooming in the avatar gets chopped and we are seeing only the middle part of it, not the head or the legs.
Additional Notes: