decentralized-identity / confidential-storage

Confidential Storage Specification and Implementation
Apache License 2.0
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Consider moving from `/.well-known/identity` to simply `/.identity` #25

Closed csuwildcat closed 4 years ago

csuwildcat commented 7 years ago

@TelegramSam this may be a good option to entirely avoid the rigidness and controversy over 'abusing' /.well-known, as defined by its maintainers/creators.

This is shorter, and doesn't tread on some standard that is close-but-not-quite what we want.

csuwildcat commented 7 years ago

@thedoctor curious to get your opinion on this as well

thedoctor commented 7 years ago

Well, I either don't correctly understand the purpose of RFC-5785 or I think it's dumb, so I'm totally behind the suggestion to not use /.well-known.

While we're discussing it, what exactly would /.identity be relative to? Does it have to follow the URI host or can it appear anywhere in the URI path? Does it matter? Are all valid hub URIs of the form: [scheme]://[host]/[maybe-sub-paths]/.identity/

I honestly don't understand the utility of having a URI-path prefix at all.

csuwildcat commented 7 years ago

The goal is to have the entire URL path composable in the same way across any URI base - this delivers a few benefits:

The primary concern was that the folks who created /.well-known didn't intend to have the paths be anything but simple, one route deep, flat metadata, vs a full API. I am happy to oblige them by 'getting off their lawn' with a much shorter and specific prefix that does the job.

thedoctor commented 7 years ago

So I think the issue with the well-known folks not wanting their namespace used for unintended means illustrates the crux of my problem with this kind of system: it's opt-in and the semantic meaning of the prefix is unenforceable. Worse, it's a pretty natural developer inclination to hack new behavior on top of existing, somewhat-related systems, so it was inevitable that eventually someone (us) started (mis-)using /.well-known for something it's not meant to do. Worse still, developers don't actually know immediately what they're working with –– they just think they do, and that leads to bad engineers writing vulnerable code with untrue assumptions.

Sorry for the rant, I'm not trying to get into an argument about it; it's perfectly fine with me if we use a prefix by convention as long as our code never assumes that a URI starting with /.identity must actually be an identity hub, and handles non-standard behavior robustly.

Is the prefix in use anywhere else besides the hub spec? If not, why not choose something even shorter? /.hub/?

csuwildcat commented 7 years ago

The differences here are these:

csuwildcat commented 7 years ago

Given the shorter, non-IETF-encumbered, well-recognized pathing option is better than tangling with something that was not intended for our purpose, I am going to change it in the explainer, and we can talk about the broader issue more as time goes on.

thedoctor commented 7 years ago

Cool with me.

csuwildcat commented 7 years ago

Modified in Explainer