Closed TelegramSam closed 2 years ago
need review by @OR13 and some testing can resolve this.
your edits are not parseable json.... You can use this to clean them up:
I tried to get this sorted but am still missing something.. json-ld playground complains that my serviceEndpoint
is redefining a protected term so I'm not sure how to specify what attributes are allowed on a term when it's protected..
I took another stab at it but am still just mostly guessing. The tools don't like when I try to redefine the protected "serviceEndpoint" term. This is my latest however Orie's tool explodes on a "termType" error
I think we are having issues trying to turn this context file into validation of the schema as normatively defined in the spec. After looking over a number of context files they rarely do things like add "@list" containers. I propose we keep this context simple with just semantics and leave spec validation to implementing libraries. Here is a simple didcomm service schema:
"@version": 1.1,
"id": "@id",
"type": "@type",
"DIDCommMessaging": "",
"uri": "",
"accept": "",
"routingKeys": ""
I think we are having issues trying to turn this context file into validation of the schema as normatively defined in the spec. After looking over a number of context files they rarely do things like add "@list" containers.
@brianorwhatever I really dislike your conclusion, but I think you might be right. This is an unfortunate conclusion for the world of JSON-LD.
Note: reviewed (positively) by DIDComm WG on 2022-05-30. WG votes "merge."
Signed-off-by: Sam Curren