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List Credentials Available Protocol #65

Open brianorwhatever opened 1 year ago

brianorwhatever commented 1 year ago

I want to create a protocol for someone to send a request saying, "what credential types do you have available to issue?" and then an issuer will respond with the credential types they offer. I am only in the conception stage and am gathering prior art. Is there anything like this in an Aries RFC @swcurran or do you know of anything @dhh1128? I am imaging it will be using DIF Credential Manifest like in the use cases

swcurran commented 1 year ago

This is somewhat the intention of the Credential Offer -- Credential Proposal -- Credential Request set of messages. For example, a Credential Offer might include multiple options, and the Credential Request one of those options.

This is complicated enough, but another potential option that you might want to cover is multiple signatures on a single credential. For example, if we can move to AnonCreds in W3C Verifiable Credentials Data Model Standard format, then one could get a credential with both an AnonCreds and LD-Signature on it. One credential, multiple items in the proof. Not sure if that works with a JWT -- I haven't investigated that at all.