decentralized-identity / identifiers-discovery

Identifiers & Discovery WG operating repo
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Status of I&D Work Items: did-common-dotnet #4

Open peacekeeper opened 2 years ago

peacekeeper commented 2 years ago

Hello @juanfranblanco, @veikkoeeva.. Your repository did-common-dotnet is one of the work items in the DIF Identifiers and Discovery Working Group (I&D WG).

We haven't heard from you about this in a while... Would you mind letting us know:

  1. Do you still want your repo to be listed as a DIF work item, and are you still the lead(s) for this work item?
  2. Could you write a short summary here in this thread about the current status? Is it ongoing? Finished? Archived?
  3. (Optional) Would you like to give an update on one of the weekly I&D WG calls (starting again in September - see agenda page for schedule)?
juanfranblanco commented 2 years ago

Hi @peacekeeper,

I have been pretty busy with Ethereum EIP1559 so I have not had time to look at this. But yes I would like to this to continue to be a work item, as there is still a need for DIDs in .Net.

Currently the progress is how we left it, mainly a simple DID parser that is implemented for the both main json .net libraries. So not major progress, as it would have been the ideal. Looking at the current progress of the Java implementations and JS, this is obviously going to be an enormous work. But I guess slowly we can get there, and ideally getting more people to participate.

veikkoeeva commented 2 years ago


  1. I am fine a repo being here or not and being listed as lead or not, see following.
  2. See following.
  3. I am not sure what to should be told in calls. I can peek into chat if there are questions or if someone wants to chat. The calls are during fairly difficult times, if I remember correcrly. :)

In more detail: Likewise busy elsewhere, but there's been progress on the codebase. The DID part mostly works (there are tests), lately I've concentrated more on key and secrets management while also planning for VC parts. Specifically lately looking at how to use and ensure HSMs and TPMs are usable to manage keys and secrets.

Some of this shows already at The project will fairly certainly be moved to our startup repo and renamed fairly soon, after I've cleaned up and reorganized a bit and added some more TPM related bits on the pipeline. There is a plan to release Nuget packages also.

This code or parts of it has not been pushed to this repository yet at least. I don't have the bandwidth to coordinate or take on more responsibility on supporting what we don't need. I don't mind cooperation, but indeed currently it looks like most of the progress happens outside of this repo as far as I am concerned.

juanfranblanco commented 2 years ago

@veikkoeeva so your plan is to continue with your personal repo?

veikkoeeva commented 2 years ago

@juanfranblanco It can be put like too. To be clear: I think nothing stops pushing the code to a repo here in the future, as happened before if it makes sense.