decentralized-identity / interoperability

The archive and information hub for the cross-community interoperability project. Focus is on education and familiarity for various efforts across multiple groups for interoperable decentralized identity infrastructure.
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Review vp-toolkit #28

Closed OR13 closed 3 years ago

OR13 commented 4 years ago

rabomarnix commented 4 years ago


Thank you for taking the time to review our SSI flow.


A while back we saw various identity protocols popping up. In a few PoC's we needed to use different protocols - so instead of hardcoding the protocol in the mobile wallet, we decided to make a flexible plugin system which allows developers to plug in the protocols they would like to support. This framework is called Universal Ledger Agent - but it's basically a small message bus, broadcasting message inside the application during runtime. More background info on our SSI journey here and a video here.


We published ULA plugins for the mobile wallet conform the SSI flow as mentioned above, along with some standalone libraries to perform generic tasks. This is a list of libraries and plugins. We are going to test the integration with new Hyperledger Aries plugins soon, so both identity protocols are supported in one app.


The issuer shows a QR code containing an endpoint. This endpoint resolves to a ChallengeRequest object, simply stating what the issuer wants to do: Issue x amount of data points. The holder app then creates x amount of private keys (or derives them) and calculates the Ethereum addresses - one for each data point, and sends a map of predicate -> address back to the issuer. The issuer then includes the address in the right VC. This results in each credential having a new DID, not bound to one user DID because of GDPR uncertainties. Finally the issuer sumbits an Ethereum transaction for each address into the VcStatusRegistry smart contract. The issuer can revoke by removing the predicate address from the smart contract.

The verifier checks the cryptography and the smart contract if the entry is still there.
