decentralized-identity / ion

The Identity Overlay Network (ION) is a DID Method implementation using the Sidetree protocol atop Bitcoin
Apache License 2.0
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Faster version with taproot lightning integration ? #320

Open weltitob opened 1 year ago

weltitob commented 1 year ago

As a user of the Ion DID Network who is interested in improvements to the system, I'm proposing an implementation which involves the integration of Taproot Lightning and Taro technology. My proposal is aimed at enhancing speed, lowering costs, and preserving decentralization. I would like to detail the following approach for your consideration to build upon the Lightning Network:

Enhancing Speed: I propose that the Faster Ion DID Network leverage the advantages of the Lightning Network to significantly improve transaction speed and registration processes. Would it be technically feasible to harness the capabilities of the Lightning Network to achieve enhanced speed while ensuring the reliability and security of the platform?

Lowering Costs: I recommend integrating Taro technology into the network to decrease resource consumption and consequently lower costs without compromising service quality. Would such an integration be seamless and efficient?

Maintaining Decentralization: As a user, I appreciate the decentralization aspect of the Ion DID Network. Could we employ Taproot's enhancements to augment privacy, flexibility, and efficiency, while keeping the platform decentralized and safeguarding against single points of failure?

Building on the Lightning Network: Considering these objectives, would it be feasible to build the Faster Ion DID Network on the Lightning Network? Can we utilize its advanced capabilities for rapid and cost-effective transactions without compromising the integrity and security of user's digital identity and data?

I believe that addressing these questions and considerations could pave the way for an improved implementation of the Faster Ion DID Network with Taproot Lightning integration. As a user, I welcome any feedback and discussion that these suggestions might provoke.

mikestaub commented 11 months ago

I think it is a good idea, but ultimately what we want are true Layer 2 chains via