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donation document could structure conversation with donaters of interop profiles #6

Closed bumblefudge closed 2 years ago

bumblefudge commented 2 years ago

as per TSC convo 10/27, spitballeth @kdenhartog :

Interoperability specification includes IPR and non IPR dependencies and interoperability profiles include only IPR protected dependencies
And the interoperability specification would be put in an IPR protected group in order to produce a spec.

i will check with C&C WG and current donor-conversation then write this PR

balázs brought up that perhaps these donations could end up considered by TSC versus SC depending on IPR status... maybe better if both kinds go to TSC? kyle: yes, if only to confirm IPR of work and dependencies is clean (and failsafe, redirect to an IPR group if not)

kdenhartog commented 2 years ago

Slightly more detailed version of what you said:

There's two classes of documents (in legal terms, layman's terms they should be considered effectively equivalent) here with the following properties:

  1. Interoperability specification which relies on IPR and non IPR protected references in non trivial ways. In this case it will be put in an IPR protected group to produce a specification which can be considered IPR protected. This specification goes to SC/TSC upon completion for approval and is classified as a DIF IPR protected interoperability specification.

  2. Interoperability profile which relies only on IPR protected references in non trivial ways. In this case it can be put in a non IPR protected group such as the interoperability group since the IPR protection can be inherited from the reference documents. Upon completion this profile goes to the SC/TSC for approval and for verification that no non-IPR protected ideas have leaked in. In the case no IPR concerns are raised the document can be approved as a interoperability profile which doesn't have DIF IPR protections, but is effectively IPR protected because it only relies upon IPR protected references. In the case a non-IPR protected idea has leaked into a interoperability profile, the document will be reclassified as an interoperability specification and moved into an IPR protected group to address any necessary IPR concerns. At this point the document can be resubmitted by the WG to the TSC so that it can be approved as a DIF IPR protected interoperability specification.