decentralized-software / chicago

Decentralized Software Chicago
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Meeting #9: Mon Dec 17. 6-8pm. Location: WeWork 111 W Illinois St. Topic: Secure Scuttlebutt #27

Closed pcowgill closed 5 years ago

pcowgill commented 5 years ago

pcowgill commented 5 years ago

Are there any particular teams you all think we should reach out to to potentially video-call in for this meeting (the December one, that is - we're all set for the November one)?

RickCarlino commented 5 years ago

@pcowgill I reached out to some folks on the Scuttleverse to see if there is any interest. Will keep you posted. Also, sorry for the slow reply on this one- did some travel this month.

pcowgill commented 5 years ago

How about this project?

pcowgill commented 5 years ago

We've got a lead on potentially getting some SSB folks to join. @RickCarlino, thanks for your help with that.

Any major objections to Mon Dec 17 for the next meeting? I just booked a WeWork room from 6-8pm on that date.

evbogue commented 5 years ago

@pcowgill hey! @RickCarlino reached out on ssb, and I got flagged down by rabble and punkmunk. @gwenbell and I are 100% up for attending your event.

Did we meet at a Chicago meetup before, like Chicago Node.js? Your name seems familiar from somewhere...

It'd also be cool to get some other ssbc folks in the room via WebRTC to talk about the projects they are building on ssb.

RickCarlino commented 5 years ago

Hi, @evbogue ! I was just about to email you. I have not been to many meetups recently, but your name does sound familiar. Perhaps we have crossed paths before.

Super excited to get this many people in one place talking about SSB. I am going to start investigating the AV options (and fallback options) to make sure everything goes smoothly. I've been told folks have had good luck with Zoom, so I am going to check that out.

pcowgill commented 5 years ago

@evbogue Great, glad you can make it! Yep, that’s where we met.

Yeah, I’m hoping to have the Dark Crystal / Blockades team join plus any other SSB folks who are available.

evbogue commented 5 years ago

@pcowgill Cool. Are you on ssb? If so, what's your public key? I'm @8Qee0I/DwI5DHSCi3p5fsl6FyLGArrnDz3ox9qZr5Qc=.ed25519 otherwise known as @ev

The only person I've worked with on the Blockades team is Mix. From what I understand about Dark Crystal, they cut your private key up into parts and send it to your friends via ssb's crypto. Then if you lose your key you just ask your friends for all of the parts and you can re-import it.

It'd be cool to get some of the original ssb developers such as Dominic Tarr (secure-scuttlebutt/pull-streams/flumedb), Paul Frazee (original Patchwork/Beaker Browser) or Charles Lehner (git-ssb/sbotc) on a call.

pcowgill commented 5 years ago

@evbogue I wasn't before, but I am now. I'm @E0OfhF9v02ST2M2+SOY7N0oO49lr11yGIji745JrYoA=.ed25519.

Yep, that's my understanding of Dark Crystal too.

Those people would be great. I'll follow up with you on ssb to see if you have their contact info.

evbogue commented 5 years ago

@pcowgill I'm seeing you on ssb right now! Everything is up and running on your end?

pcowgill commented 5 years ago

See you all tonight!

How to find us: We'll be in room 5D. Please bring a photo id and check in as a guest of Paul Cowgill at the front desk. Message Paul on Telegram (pcowgill is his handle) if you have any problems getting in.

pcowgill commented 5 years ago

The event will start at 6pm. Please try to arrive by 6:15pm at the latest.

The remote SSB projects will be calling in and explaining the tech behind their projects and fielding questions over video call from 6:30pm to 7:30pm.

From 7:30pm to 8pm we'll have an internal discussion about how SSB fits into the broader decentralized software ecosystem. We can also chat about any other questions you may have about SSB. We have a hard stop at 8. Thanks!

evbogue commented 5 years ago

@pcowgill See you tonight. I'm going to private message you on ssb our full legal names for 111 W Illinois security, just in case!

pcowgill commented 5 years ago

Here's a tweet to get the word out about tonight in case that's helpful: