decentralized-software / chicago

Decentralized Software Chicago
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Pick a format for the meetings #4

Closed pcowgill closed 6 years ago

pcowgill commented 6 years ago

Suggestions welcome

MercedesMane commented 6 years ago

1) find out people's interest (intro style) 2) Summary of the top tech out there in terms of blockchain and example of their usage cases, who uses them and how 3) list top usage cases (by crypot or token) 4) vote on which one to deep dive and do some hands one work/examples

jongear commented 6 years ago

@MercedesMane is right. Discovery might be the best avenue followed by a brief "here is the state of the community".

I know Ethereum token development is supported on Azure Blockchain. Which more than likely means AWS and GCP will be releasing support soon as well.

zitterbewegung commented 6 years ago

AWS now has Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric templates to deploy.