dechamps / FlexASIO

A flexible universal ASIO driver that uses the PortAudio sound I/O library. Supports WASAPI (shared and exclusive), KS, DirectSound and MME.
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Support with Dante Virtual Soundcard (DVS)? #221

Closed filecage closed 3 months ago

filecage commented 3 months ago

First of all, thank you for the work you put into this. Second, I have a slight feeling that this might not be anything FlexASIO could do anything about the way its build, but I do know so little about ASIO that I still decided to raise this issue. Maybe, in the end, it is just my mistake.

Problem Description

I want to use ASIO with DVS (Dante Virtual Soundcard) in multiple programs at the same time (In this occasion: Reaper and LiveProfessor) to

DVS is running in ASIO mode (because I need 64 channels while DVS WDM only supports 16).

Expected Behaviour

I expected FlexASIO to work for that by just configuring DVS as device for FlexASIO.

Actual Behaviour

When I ran PortAudioDevices.exe in order to get the correct name of the DVS device, I realised it's not listed there. Most likely because it is not an actual device on my system (because, as mentioned earlier, it is not running in WDM mode).

Possible Solutions

Like I said, I have no idea how ASIO actually works and how I currently see it, FlexASIO and DVS are working on the same ASIO "hierarchy" and thus can not interact with eachother. This might be wrong and maybe there is a way to connect them or maybe I just made a mistake - or it's just a bug.

I would really appreciate someone looking into this. :)

Thank you!

dechamps commented 3 months ago

Conceptually, FlexASIO is basically a bridge between ASIO apps and WDM devices. It makes WDM devices usable through ASIO in ASIO apps.

That's it. If you don't have a WDM device, then there is nothing FlexASIO can do for you. You will need a different approach, e.g. using some kind of virtual audio cable software or ASIO Link Pro.

filecage commented 3 months ago

That's what I already thought, thank you for taking the time to clarify!