decidim-archive / decidim-initiatives

:warning: [DEPRECATED] Decidim module for citizen initiatives / e-petitions. Now it's on decidim/decidim repository.
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Adapt action box to the new layout #121

Open jsperezg opened 6 years ago

jsperezg commented 6 years ago

This is a Feature Proposal

:tophat: Description

Adapt actions to the new convention:

Check how it looks here:

xabier commented 6 years ago

Please @decidim/lot-mods could you help with this? also @decidim/lot-core this is part of your integration tasks. We need to have this ASAP working on @jsperezg can do part of it but it needs to be integrated soon. cheers.

mrcasals commented 6 years ago

@xabier what's this "Action box", and what new layout? Also, if this is our job why is @decidim/lot-mods mentioned?


xabier commented 6 years ago

@decidim/lot-mods is mentioned because they just included the new action box to proposals (Adhesions). The new action-box is this:


and comes to substitute the old one:


the old one doesn't have the comment counter and action button, nor the endorsement counter and action button. These two buttons, like follow, should be present on almost any component of the platform.

xabier commented 6 years ago

@mrcasals since @jsperezg is importing this to consultation questions I wanted you and @decidim/lot-mods to help him do it right: particularly with some recent bugs found on the endorsement feature

tramuntanal commented 6 years ago

@jsperezg you can post me any questions you have, no problem. I developed the "reivindicar" button. /cc @xabier

jsperezg commented 6 years ago

I've been checking the code for adhesions and It's highly coupled to proposals. From my understanding the desirable solution would be to create a polymorphic model DecidimAdhesions that any feature could implement and extrac/refactor all this code from proposals to Core.

However my scope regarding the dead lines and the work load for each team involved is limited so it would be nice to hear your thougts regarding this question.

What is your opinion @xabier @mrcasals @tramuntanal @josepjaume ?

xabier commented 6 years ago

You are totally right @jsperezg Endorsements should be polymorphic, and displayed on any component (like comments or follow). I cannot evaluate the cost of it. Now, it needs to be implemented for consultation questions, this is for sure. Any progress on refactoring is welcome, but the feature applied to consultation-questions is the critical thing right now.

xabier commented 6 years ago

hi, given the cost of this integration I think it is better to abort this issue now and PR to decidim/decidim

jsperezg commented 6 years ago

Understood @xabier I will create issues for all the engines that we support: initiatives, sorititions and consultations in order to merge them in decidim/decidim

xabier commented 6 years ago

great! thanks