deckar01 / CTFd

CTFs as you need them
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Enhancement: Admin-only notes about each challenge #5

Open ShyftXero opened 7 years ago

ShyftXero commented 7 years ago

I figure a short walkthrough or points of note about a given challenge would be helpful for admins that don't have intimate knowledge of that challenge. I imagine that it would just be a textarea in the challenge create/edit html and an additional column in the db. nothing fancy. it would be nice to not have a separate platform to store simple text notes.

I feel like this would be relatively simple to implement as a plugin. Challenges created prior to the plugins installation would need no alteration as the fields usage is optional.

someone mentioned this on the CTFd issues.

deckar01 commented 7 years ago

@ShyftXero Here is the UX I had in mind: (just a mockup)

screen shot 2017-10-15 at 1 58 46 pm screen shot 2017-10-15 at 1 59 10 pm screen shot 2017-10-15 at 2 01 59 pm