deckhouse / deckhouse-test-1

Repository copy for CI testing
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Update .gitignore #351

Closed KraMorK closed 4 weeks ago

KraMorK commented 1 month ago


Why do we need it, and what problem does it solve?

Why do we need it in the patch release (if we do)?

What is the expected result?


Changelog entries

section: <kebab-case of a module name> | <1st level dir in the repo>
type: fix | feature | chore
summary: <ONE-LINE of what effectively changes for a user>
impact: <what to expect for users, possibly MULTI-LINE>, required if impact_level is high ↓
impact_level: default | high | low
deckhouse-BOaTswain commented 1 month ago

:green_circle: e2e: Static for deckhouse:KraMorK-patch-1 succeeded in 37m4s.

Workflow details Static-Static-Containerd-1.27 - Connection string: `ssh -J astra@ astra@` :green_circle: `e2e: Static, Containerd, Kubernetes 1.27` succeeded in 36m13s.