deco3500-2018 / Team-Robin

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Interviews with users #15

Closed cutierobot closed 5 years ago

cutierobot commented 5 years ago

@ManshadAli said he would conduct more interviews with users

ManshadAli commented 5 years ago

Consulted with some potential interviewees for the testing round. On to preparing the user tests and collaborate with M to review my user tests.

cutierobot commented 5 years ago

Update: gave @ManshadAli the Google cardboard on Friday (19/10/2018) to conduct user testing sessions.

ManshadAli commented 5 years ago

The data for the interviews (pictures & audio recordings is uploaded on the google drive Team Robin folder)

ManshadAli commented 5 years ago


cutierobot commented 5 years ago

should have been completed by now, can be reopened if necessary

cutierobot commented 5 years ago

moving form design process wiki to here as was not relevent there.

  • as per users' permission made pictures and did the audio recording of the questions
  • only 3 users allowed the audio recording
  • Uploaded the data from interviews to google drive, the data includes pictures and audio clips.