deco3500-2018 / Team-Robin

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Brick Physics #4

Closed cutierobot closed 5 years ago

cutierobot commented 5 years ago

The physics part of the brick flying and moving

cutierobot commented 5 years ago

Image to show the creation of brick and landing pad. Brick is the reddish, brown thing in the air. The landing pad is the red dot. image

cutierobot commented 5 years ago

Also, this website might help me with the ability to create a flying brick. or at least make it easier hahaha

cutierobot commented 5 years ago

UPDATE: since what I will call it as "The day of massive destruction" commit 2a12695a42488ffcc164e8148f679d54671651d4 has made me way behind as everything had to be reverted back and it took 4hres to fixture everything out.

cutierobot commented 5 years ago

UPDATE: jsut a quick update form me I have been playing around with this code but not getting anywhere need to figure out how to "fake" a projectile landing. will have to watch some videos.

cutierobot commented 5 years ago

UPDATE: After looking at my commitments I have realised I have overcommitted myself and I need to back away a bit so I have decided after talking with my team members to reprioritise myself and back away from this issue and let someone else take it as I feel I have done a lot for this course and I feel that I a justified in doing this.

cutierobot commented 5 years ago

possible things to help with physics of brick: 1. Making a character fly in 2D 2. Flying Character with up and down 3. Flying Plane, like the acceleration part

cutierobot commented 5 years ago

UPDATE: @s4515511 helping me with the maths as we all know I suck at it.

cutierobot commented 5 years ago

Update: laptop died, but will upload a video shortly showing our progress with the physics. Created 2 new dot points in relation to how we are doing gthe physics now.

cutierobot commented 5 years ago

FOR FUTURE REFERENCE the number that makes the brick land on the bullseye is 13****

cutierobot commented 5 years ago

@s4515511 updated coordiantes for landings , remember 10 frames so divide by 10 43742066_1917882338519493_5332932927187582976_n

cutierobot commented 5 years ago

video of progress youtube link

cutierobot commented 5 years ago

@s4515511 updated calcualtions 43652100_1997811110510499_1493728302005747712_n 43680861_304994430086685_2804781818027442176_n 43727768_1840123722722912_2779648189102292992_n

cutierobot commented 5 years ago

created a spreadsheet for the calculations which can be found here

cutierobot commented 5 years ago

9e941e9 closes this issue