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Persona & Scenario & Storyboard #20

Open soju0928 opened 4 years ago

soju0928 commented 4 years ago


Persona 1:


Persona 2:


Persona 3:


soju0928 commented 4 years ago


Scenario 1:

Elijah is an international student from China. This is his first time to study abroad. He can feel the language barrier everywhere. When he attends the lecture class, he cannot focus on what the lecturer says because he cannot understand very well. He prefers to read the learning material by himself. Therefore, after attending the lecture class several times, he decides to watch the lecture recording at home. He considers that watching recordings can help him understand the knowledge better. He can listen to one sentence one more time if he doesn’t understand it. But he is distracted by other things easily at home. He can’t help checking his phone while watching the video. The recording is long and boring for him. He cannot finish all the videos at home alone. But he doesn’t want to attend the lecture, either. Because he thinks it is a waste of time as well. He wants to find a good way to help him improve study efficiency. One day, his classmate tells him that the lecturer starts to use an application called Quiz Room. This application can enhance students’ engagement. He feels curious and attends the lecture again. After listening to the lecturer 20 minutes, Elijah feels boring again. At that time, the lecturer let students open the Quiz Room and login with their usernames. Their major information has been stored in this application. The lecturer releases a choice question and set a 10 second time limit. This question is about the knowledge they have learned just now. Elijah can answer the question simply and gain the feedback immediately after 10 seconds. He also can know his ranking position among the different majors. He gets the correct answer and has a sense of achievement. In the rest time, Elijah can focus on the lecture more intently. He wants to gain a better ranking and maintain a good result in the Quiz Room. It is the first time that Elijah feels excited about the lecture class. Quiz Room has aroused his desire for victory. He continues to attend the lecture class after this time. Even though sometimes he still doesn’t understand the lecturer quite well, he starts to consult with the people around him rather than doing nothing. Each time he wants to check his phone, it will remind him of the Quiz Room. He thinks this application has helped him to enhance his enthusiasm for study. He is happy that the lecturer has found a good way for students.

Scenario 2:

Jane is a high school student in Brisbane. She is distracted by her phone easily. She cannot help checking her phone during the class. Especially the big lecture class. She thinks the content of the learning material is boring. She prefers to talk with her friends rather than sitting there and listening to the lecturer. Therefore, her grade is low and she wants to have a better learning experience in the class. One day, the lecturer let students download an application called Quiz Room. She thinks it is another attempt by the teacher. She still cannot concentrate on the course content. She still feels boring with the teacher’s voice. When the lecturer let them open the Quiz Room and answer the question, she clicks an answer randomly. Then she gets the wrong answer feedback. She doesn’t care about the ranking. Since this quiz won’t impact her final score, she doesn’t treat it seriously and thinks it is a normal quiz as usual. The rest of the time, Jane prefers to ask her friend and get the correct answer rather than listening to the lecturer. Even though the Quiz Room has helped her to remember some correct answers about the questions, she still wants to learn knowledge in a more interesting way.

soju0928 commented 4 years ago

