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Generate Ideas/Establish requirements #4

Open scottgullaksen opened 4 years ago

scottgullaksen commented 4 years ago

When we're done analizing our data (#3) we can start generating specific ideas for our application/ideas we want to test if it's applicable for our application. This includes ideas on the prototype technology we want to use, user interfaces and key functional components that our application must have.

scottgullaksen commented 4 years ago

A map drawn from the workshop in week 7, helps us identify some core requirements that must be implemented regardless of what users say. Requirements

  1. Most important core component of our system: The ability to connect between a lecturer device and student device - Everyone connects to the lecturer -> Lecturer device is a locally hosted server which every student device connects to (clients). (Maybe node can be used for this?) Storing data can be done with simple JSON files since its just for prototyping purposes.
scottgullaksen commented 4 years ago

First theme identified from users: Game element, competition

  1. Idea: Have a scoreboard at the end of each lecture
  2. Idea: The ability to create ranking groups, e.g rankings within a major, program etc -> introduces an additional element of comptetition, i.e between groups and within users of that group.
  3. Public ranking boards only show "fake" names that a user can choose -> users can be anonimous and the game is still "chill"
  4. Quick answers are rewarded
  5. After each question display you position on the scoreboard, and the number of people that have answered this question (real time update while answering -> people will feel stressed to answer more quickly)
  6. Each question have a time limit

Second identified: Anonymity

  1. Public ranking boards only show "fake" names that a user can choose -> users can be anonimous and the game is still "chill"

Second identified: Response

  1. Users will know if they answered correctly or not after the time limit on each question is over -> Because appriciated immidiate response and can compare progress on curriculum

User habits with technologies:

  1. Teachers require easy setup and accesibility and students always bring laptops and phones -> We are going to use a web app. Users like this aspect of kahoot.