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Interviews & Feedback for Design V1 #17

Open khoiphan21 opened 7 years ago

khoiphan21 commented 7 years ago

Interview for Concept

Note: Need to make sure our way of 'news verification' is correct

Questions to ask the user

Note: interviews are to address specific questions regarding the current design/prototype implementation. Surveys are to ask for general feedback regarding the whole concept/high-level stuff

Questions about the prototype (i.e. the research question)

khoiphan21 commented 7 years ago

Feedback from User Interview - Khoi

Person 1:

Main page

Start page

Headline page

Signup page

Person 2

Main Page

Start Page

Headline Page

Login page

soobin93 commented 7 years ago

Feedback from User Interview - Soobin

Main page

Start page

Headline page

Signup page

developie0610 commented 7 years ago

Feedback from User Interview - Nhan

Negative feedback

Positive feedback

Overall the application is well received