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Idea: Scratch tags #1377

Open ethteck opened 1 week ago

ethteck commented 1 week ago

Being able to mark a scratch with either preset or custom tags such as "fake match", "help wanted", etc which are easily viewable from a scratch list and searchable

axel7083 commented 1 week ago

How would this articulate ? Some tags would depends on a scratch state, Match override for example would depend on a scratch property, but Help wanted would be a user defined tag.

If a dedicated table is created, let's call it ScratchTag, should we put the state tags in it ? or only the user tags ? Trying to keep the state tag, such as fake match could be difficult, as it could not match at some point.

Do we want to allow any kind of tags, or should we set a preset of values that the user can select from ?

In the system tag I can see Match override and Fork.