deconst / content-service

An API for storing, indexing and retrieving documentation
MIT License
4 stars 9 forks source link

Don't double-wrap envelopes in Mongo. #94

Closed smashwilson closed 8 years ago

smashwilson commented 8 years ago


    "_id" : ObjectId("570564fea1ce6c2b6f2eed74"),
    "contentID" : "",
    "lastUpdate" : 1459971326778,
    "envelope" : {
        "contentID" : "",
        "envelope" : {
            "toc" : "<ul>\n<li><a class=\"reference internal\" href=\"#\">reStructuredText content in Sphinx</a><ul>\n<li><a class=\"reference internal\" href=\"#assets\">Assets</a></li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n</ul>\n",
            "previous" : {
                "title" : "Authoring Content for Deconst",
                "url" : "../"
            "title" : "reStructuredText content in Sphinx",
            "next" : {
                "title" : "Markdown content in Jekyll",
                "url" : "../jekyll/"
            "body" : "<div class=\"section\" id=\"restructuredtext-content-in-sphinx\">\n<h1>reStructuredText content in Sphinx<a class=\"headerlink\" href=\"#restructuredtext-content-in-sphinx\" title=\"Permalink to this headline\">¶</a></h1>\n<p><a class=\"reference external\" href=\"\">Sphinx</a> is a documentation builder that assembles <a class=\"reference external\" href=\"\">reStructureText</a> source files into cohesive output that includes tables of contents, cross-references, and integrated navigation.</p>\n<div class=\"section\" id=\"assets\">\n<h2>Assets<a class=\"headerlink\" href=\"#assets\" title=\"Permalink to this headline\">¶</a></h2>\n<p>To integrate properly with Deconst&#8217;s asset pipeline:</p>\n<blockquote>\n<div><ol class=\"arabic simple\">\n<li>Place any images in an <cite>_images</cite> directory at the top level of your Sphinx documentation.</li>\n<li>Reference images in <code class=\"docutils literal\"><span class=\"pre\">.rst</span></code> files by including a <code class=\"docutils literal\"><span class=\"pre\">..</span> <span class=\"pre\">image</span></code> macro.</li>\n</ol>\n</div></blockquote>\n<div class=\"highlight-rst\"><div class=\"highlight\"><pre><span class=\"p\">..</span> <span class=\"ow\">image</span><span class=\"p\">::</span> /_images/deconst-initial.png\n</pre></div>\n</div>\n</div>\n</div>\n",
            "layout_key" : "default",
            "categories" : [
            "meta" : {
                "github_issues_url" : "",
                "github_edit_url" : ""
        "lastUpdated" : 1459971326778