deconz-community / deconz-docker

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Cannot Update Firmware of Conbee 2 #216

Closed tobeehh closed 8 months ago

tobeehh commented 8 months ago

Have been updating Conbee many times on my Synology running Docker, however, now the script fails:

`root@Syno2:~# docker run -it --rm --entrypoint "/" --privileged --cap-add=ALL -v /dev:/dev -v /lib/modules:/lib/modules -v /sys:/sys deconzcommunity/deconz

         deconzcommunity/deconz Firmware Flashing Script

                   Version: 0.8

Listing attached devices...

sh: 1: udevadm: not found sh: 1: udevadm: not found no devices found Path | Serial | Type ------------------+-------------+---------------

Enter the full device path, or press Enter now to exit.

Device path .: 0

Firmware available for flashing: ls: cannot access '/usr/share/deCONZ/firmware/': No such file or directory

Enter the firmware file name from above, including extension. Alternatively, you may enter the name of a firmware file to download from any of the following sources:

If you wish to exit, just hit Enter.

Firmware file:

Exiting... `

senilio commented 8 months ago

They decided to omit the firmware directory in the package. Next release will contain a fix for this.

Temp fix = edit the FW_PATH or create /usr/share/deCONZ/firmware/