decred / atomicswap

On-chain atomic swaps for Decred and other cryptocurrencies.
ISC License
509 stars 231 forks source link

Added xsncoin support for atomic swaps #90

Open RostyslavAntonyshyn opened 6 years ago

dajohi commented 6 years ago

@RostyslavAntonyshyn code needs to be run through gofmt

jrick commented 6 years ago

This code is also missing any sort of dependency version management which is a requirement. We're going to be converting the whole repo over to Go Modules so you can wait on that (instead of modifying the Gopkg.{toml,lock} which will be removed)

dajohi commented 5 years ago

@RostyslavAntonyshyn please rebase now that go 1.11+ is required.