decred / dcrdata

Decred block explorer, with packages and apps for data collection and storage. Written in Go.
ISC License
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Additional data points for voting agenda charts #543

Open raedah opened 6 years ago

raedah commented 6 years ago

from "Delineating the various phases of the vote on the chart itself would be a really nice addition. Eg. the point at which the change is locked in and the point at which the grace period is over and the new rules start being enforced."

This data is not available via the RPCs currently. Depends on

If someone can source these data points directly, we can manual insert them into the db dcrdata uses for past voting agenda information.

xaur commented 6 years ago

Is it also possible to have the point when new rules were first used? For example with the sha256 opcode it was not immediately used after "new rules started being enforced".