decred / dcrdesign

Decred Design System
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Android App #15

Closed denyszayets closed 6 years ago

denyszayets commented 6 years ago

Design Specs: Revision 2.0 2018

denyszayets commented 6 years ago

added revisions to 2.0, 2.2, 5.1, 5.2, 5.0

ta-lind commented 6 years ago

On a higher level I see a myriad of issues regarding how unified the common visual elements and logic flows are.

I would recommend dropping the dark/light combo color scheme. This makes things needlessly difficult. There was a specific reasoning using it in Paymetheus as well Decrediton initially, but as things developed further, became obsolete and has been phased out.

Components wise – if this release is intended to use a "Decredified" Material design (w/ Decred colors and type etc), should use the latest pattern libraries from and apply the color/type/icons and whatever other common changes for that. If the intention is to use only DCR UI elements, would have to manually refer from Decreditons latest releases. I don’t have an updated component library ready to share yet. Currently it’s in-between, and will likely lead to a lot of inconsistencies if not specified and sticked with.

Regarding colors – should use the latest scheme from the .ai attached. There’s some dated blues and odd greys in there. Also red/green/light blue or yellow don’t work very well on grey tones.

There's logic errors regarding use of color as an indicator of interactions. The blues, reds and greens have too much variation in their meanings (default interactions, cancel/confirm/clear etc; pending/confirmations/statuses etc). A sensible choice for default/key interaction colors is blue; second level or lower hierarchies can be worked out with greys, tonalities or other elements. Would not recommend relying on other colors for interactions, or at least keeping it minimal esp. if they have multiple other meanings. Can lead to number of issues from color blindness to cultural differences. Red should be essentially for warnings and some notifications in a limited manner. Would not mix green with a default interaction. The interaction pattern for entering seed keys should certainly be replaced. Will be a painful experience to type 33 words w/o any corrections on a mobile device. Opt. for the interaction pattern used by copay wallet or something similar.

Regarding type – would recommend to drop Inconsolata and just use Source Sans Pro (or introduce Source Code Pro if really needed). Not using that in any new designs. Overall can probably do with a smaller amount of color/size styles and work out the vertical alignments and spacing in a more detailed manner.

screen shot 2018-05-25 at 22 31 40

decred - colors -

denyszayets commented 6 years ago

This is a first design release of android wallet. Posted a few months back in our (design_ops) channel but never heard back from anyone. All of the components you see here were used from Google Materials

DCR UI Ideal, would be to utilize the same DCR UI elements we have in decrediton. Currently, it's in-between based on what you're saying. Do you have an idea of when a stable release of components will be available? Until then, I agree, it will lead to a lot of inconsistencies.

Colors: definitely, that RGB file you shared will be helpful.

Type: Let's stick to Source Sans Pro only. In some instances experiment with Source Code Pro.

Moving forward: I'll be revising the entire app design with suggested changes, type, colors, and elements. Please keep this topic updated especially if you're adding new visual elements for decrediton. I'll follow style and guidelines of but utilizing our type, colors and visual elements.

Thanks DZ.

ta-lind commented 6 years ago

I meant the android wallet being in-between sort of vague decred designs and material design framework, as there’s the odd-men-out as described above.

Though I agree that approach of doing a dcr material theme is sound. That is roughly what ended up as.

To clarify, both visual and interaction design decisions should be more strictly constrained to the material framework (ui components, interaction patterns and general flows and common practices) and keeping true to that as much as possible. As material is flexible enough to easily handle a wallet app design, making a "Decred Material" release can be limited to only applying the relevant Color Scheme, DCR Icons and Source Sans Pro. This way it'll be clear what's what.

Decrediton component library is something for the second half of the year – releases, implementation fixes, fine tunings etc are prioritised atm, so all of the bases would be covered beforehand.

ta-lind commented 6 years ago

Also would be useful to apply the dcr updates on the elements library used (materials clone).

denyszayets commented 6 years ago

agree, thanks for clarification.

denyszayets commented 6 years ago

Sounds like a plan. Focusing on Material Theme/Framework + incorporating DCR color scheme, icons and typography.

@linnutee I think there are a few pages we can get rid off entirely. For example 2.2 Double-Confirm. Thoughts? Looking at the entire prototype do you see any screens that are missing or must be removed to simplify UX? Thanks

ta-lind commented 6 years ago

Simplifing that seems sound, the warning is quite clear. Consider adding a return option in the seed key entry or clarify if "clear" intends to do that.

Otherwise I don't know the details behind this wallet, whether built from scratch or a clone of an existing wallet framework. These add constraints to what's feasible to design in regards of the interactions or general structure. Should generally prefer to sort this out before the visual design.

denyszayets commented 6 years ago

moving forward on this. Thanks for the feedback

denyszayets commented 6 years ago

@linnutee revision 2.0 should be ready soon ;) making good progress.

denyszayets commented 6 years ago

will post rev 2.0 design the end of the week.

denyszayets commented 6 years ago

Revision 2.0 Completed. Feedback is welcome!

ta-lind commented 6 years ago
  1. There's a some inconsistent colors come in from material. Also notably use of #0C1E3E which is obsolete and should be replaced with #091440 in all instances.

  2. Navigation, in-app and headers have visual discrepancies, roughly put they're like two different apps atm. Should also look into improving the ergonomics of navigation.

  3. Previous feedback about use of colors as indicators for interactions has not been addressed. Read up on the post May 25. There's 3 different colours for key interactions, 3 different colours/styles for cancel, etc. The way green/red are used over titles and amounts will lead to conflicts with different values, as well use of turquoise in context where it may be conflicting with very similar color green.

This may be harder to pick up in static design, but will quickly lead to conflict in actual app when moving around and working with differing values. Instead of reling this much on the use of color, work out hierarchies and feedback with button stylings, form as well the surrounding context.

screen shot 2018-07-16 at 15 35 12
ta-lind commented 6 years ago

Also please keep track of the previous versions and lists. Overwriting the same post/file makes it difficult.

denyszayets commented 6 years ago

@linnutee thanks for you feedback. Points 1, 3 and last paragraphs are clear. I will also go over you comment from May 25 to revise missed items.

Can you please be a bit more specific about your colors preferences for items like confirm, cancel, next, recover, create new address, send, clear? Would you prefer to completely exclude the use of #41BF53 and apply #2DD8A3 as primary green?


ta-lind commented 6 years ago

The main issue around the buttons is consistency in the definitions and hierarchy. Key buttons color can be blue as that doesn't interfere w/ green or orange that's used in other contexts. Secondary can be grey or turquoise. Also:

denyszayets commented 6 years ago

Thank you for your feedback. I will have an updated version next week. @kyleFirethought I'd like to integrate those on-boarding slides you've been working on. Can please keep me posted and when they are ready. Thanks

kyleFirethought commented 6 years ago


denyszayets commented 6 years ago

Thank you! I will add some of them as placeholder and pass the entire folder to raedah and his group.

denyszayets commented 6 years ago

Hey guys, here's revision 2.1 for Android app.

  1. The use of #0C1E3E was replaced with #091440 as per @linnutee suggestion.
  2. Navigation issues. I agree it looks like w have 2 different apps, so I replaced headers on all screen to match. Now we don't have that awkward difference.
  3. Revised button colors and sizes based on our guidelines, feedback and google material standards.
  4. From my understanding, we will have 4 onboarding screens/animations. @kyleFirethought I added some images as a placeholder and will forward the animation folder to @raedah and his team.
  5. @linnutee I also fixed that cancel/close position.


Design Specs

Feedback is welcome! Please let me know if I missed anything or we can adjust something. Thanks

kyleFirethought commented 6 years ago

@denyszayets Ah ok. So just to clarify will there be space for text between the animation slides as on the front it might not be 100% clear to a new user what the animations signify - context is really necessary here. This will also draw parity with decrediton as well. apart from that looking forward to seeing this come together.

denyszayets commented 6 years ago

yes, of course. I was thinking that during each animation, we can have a description at the bottom. As of right now I don't have any text there. We can come up with the appropriate language.

@kyleFirethought I will include the package you sent me with animations, to the final package. So our developers have everything they need. Thanks again.

denyszayets commented 6 years ago

Final Prototype

denyszayets commented 6 years ago

@linnutee can we move to the dev stage with this? Thanks

ta-lind commented 6 years ago

Some items need to be worked on further:

  1. Unclear how the onboarding slides work. As the animations have no voice-over, there needs to be accompanying copy text, as well a way to navigate.
  2. General navigation should be worked on further, as only top-left hamburger + android back button isn't very ergonomic or quick.
  3. Full seed key backup entry via re-writing isn’t an optimal interaction, esp. on mobile devices. Tapping and/or partial confirmation would work better – e.g. copay, decrediton. Suggestions would work for restoring a wallet, though not certain if it can be implemented via the keyboard – that's more likely in-app function.
  4. Smallest type styles are illegible, e.g. overview details, accounts.
  5. The colour matter still relevant under TX details and succesful transaction modal.
denyszayets commented 6 years ago
  1. I think we may need to create a simple set of onboarding slides for mobile devices only. Adding an animated version can make things a bit complicated, where on desktop version it makes perfect sense to have them. So, static pages with text and swipe left to go to the next slide should work nicely. What do you think? I have the package @kyleFirethought designed.
  2. The top-left hamburger and android back button is relatively simple and easy to remember as it is used in pretty much any other app in the same way. Previous revision 1.0 has the same navigation. I'd recommend to keep it that way at the moment and explore other options in future reviews? I'm open to ideas.
  3. I adjusted 3.0 slide to work as a partial confirmation. In this case, you only need to type in 3 random words to complete verification. Dev confirmed that partial confirmation is possible and can be implemented.
  4. Overview page(4.0), Accounts (4.1) smallest type increased from 9 to 10. Tested on my device and the change definitely helps. You don't have to squint to read it.
  5. In Transaction Details (4.4.1) & Transaction Details (4.4.2) adjusted DCR amount color to be in line with the rest of design and the rest of the copy to #091440. Successful transaction module, can you be a bit more specific on what needs to change?

Please feel free to leave your comment directly on the prototype. It will make it a lot easier to spot them. Prototype: Design Specs:

Thank you.

ta-lind commented 6 years ago

1 Not sure why, these animations are an evolvement of the previous illustrations and work in high-level somewhat regardless of the device. Only one worth leaving out can be staking/governance if that's not included in the mobile wallet. The task is around scaling them accordingly to the mobile layout, same thing with static images.

2 It's not as ergonomic as having a full-screen app and replacing the android menu with a wallet nav.

3 Confirm with the developers that the suggestions can be implemented that way. I think something within the wallet UI will be more realistic.

4 How about two sizes for the cards? Ticket states could be on a same level with the amounts. Also should use the correct ticket states and icons.

  1. Green title - "Successful Transaction" doesn't add up with the rest. If there's need to indicate further confirmation, opt in for icon instead of of color.
raedah commented 6 years ago
  1. Needs to be in the wallet UI. Autosuggest via the keyboard will be for the OS dictionary, and we want to limit the word choices to just the seed words.

Other things I noticed:

denyszayets commented 6 years ago
  1. No problem. I will pass final animation package to devs so they can implement them. On this prototype, I will keep placeholders only.

  2. Base on my conversation with @macsleven sounds like we can add footer navigation, but we can't remove standard navigation. Some new phone models allow you to do so, but older once don't. @raedah what do you think about this? Can footer navigation can be implemented or it's an overkill?

  3. @macsleven confirmed that 3 seed words can be used to confirm phrase.

  4. @linnutee be more specific about the screen you're referring too. Either use a page number or title. Screenshots are always helpful.

  5. I will revise that page and add an icon for the confirmed transaction.

@linnutee can you please attach that yellow '%' icon you used in the new decrediton release.

@raedah I will go over your comment shortly. Thank you!

denyszayets commented 6 years ago

@raedah I went over your comments and feedback. Everything makes sense and is clear. I'll go over the app and make those changes and enhancements. Let's aim at the end of this week/weekend for the final review. Thank you!

ta-lind commented 6 years ago

4 is the continuation of last two comments – there's too many type sizes for each tx/ticket in Overview page (7)

denyszayets commented 6 years ago

Revision 2.5 Completed

Hello @raedah and macsleven! Final design and files attached below:

XD File

Design Specs:

Onboarding slides & animations:

Intro Application

Big thank you for Raedah's group valuable dev feedback and Design team's feedback!