decred / dcrdesign

Decred Design System
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DCR Periodic Table of "Platform Logos" #203

Closed oiezz closed 4 years ago

oiezz commented 4 years ago

This is a product request and feedback is appreciated.

The concept is to create an interactive infographic table using platform logos that educates users on the dcr ecosystem. The platform logos will be clustered like a Periodic Table and organized by creation date. When a logo is selected, associated properties will be displayed below the chart via ribbons/metadata.

For example, Decrediton - L1 Money, On-chain gov, Off-chain gov, Education, etc *Input on ribbons/metadata categories is appreciated.

The interactive table could have a Toggle switch between (Flat and Connected). After the toggle is selected, the table could invert/change table colors. In the Connected view, once a logo is selected, other platform logos could become highlighted with a similar hue with less saturation. The interconnections between logos could be explained in more detail below the table. Alternatively, there could be ribbons/metadata in the Connected view that highlights all platform logos that has those properties.

This product could allow users to discover and educate themselves on all platforms within the network in a quick, responsive, and interactive way. It could add more connectivity between visual graphics and the decred docs.