decred / dcrwallet

A secure Decred wallet daemon written in Go (golang).
ISC License
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Repo package layout refactoring: determine which packages should be exported as vgo modules #1147

Closed jrick closed 6 years ago

jrick commented 6 years ago

dcrwallet is not just a program -- like dcrd, it also includes packages that can be directly imported by other tools for integrating various wallet functionality. For example, lnd imports the wallet package in order to implement key storage and signing. However, not all packages are designed for external consumption, and there should be a clear distinction between which packages must follow strict semantic versioning and those which don't. This issue provides a discussion to determine which packages should be created into modules, which should not, and whether the package layout must adjust to accommodate.

The following are all of the packages imported or used by the main package, and the repo's root main package itself (all of which make up the dcrwallet executable):


Some of my own observations/thoughts/rambling follow. Feel free to follow up with comments whether you agree, disagree, or have suggestions. Once thoughts are fleshed out, a new repo/module layout can be proposed.

  1. The repository currently makes use of internal packages. These are packages which can not be imported by any other packages without the same package prefix (up to the /internal). If they are included in a module, they do not make up the module's external API and compatibility may be broken without creating a new major version of the module. It can be advantageous to increase the number of internal packages in order to reduce a module's exported API.

  2. Some packages must be available for consumption by other projects. I believe this must include (at minimum) errors, pgpwordlist and walletseed, version, wallet, wallet/txauthor, wallet/txrules, wallet/internal/txsizes, and chain. Rationale for each follows:

    • errors implements error handling throughout the project, and errors returned by modules must be compared using this package.
  1. Some external projects may want to depend on packages in submodules not in the above list. I currently see this group made up of packages such as ticketbuyer and loader. I'm open for future support for making modules out of these packages, but do not deem it a priority until the other packages have been modularized. Both packages depend heavily on the wallet and network abstractions. I would especially like to make loader a public module off the bat, as it provides a simpler way to manage the lifetime of a wallet, but this package exports ticketbuyer and should wait until ticketbuyer becomes a module.

  2. There are packages which likely should be internal packages but are not, either due to accident or necessity. For example, the package provides the implementation for storing and retrieving all database data for the package. This is an internal implementation detail, and udb should not be available to import by other projects. At the moment, there exists a layering violation where udb types are exported by the wallet package and consumed by other packages such as the RPC servers, which is why udb is currently not an internal package. snacl is another good candidate to make internal, and would be easier to do than udb as it is not exported by any other proposed module. In addition to these, there are other packages, such as the service implementations of the RPC servers, which should not be imported by external projects as they are only used by the root module, but it is unclear to me at this point whether these should be made internal packages of the root module or left alone.

jrick commented 6 years ago

walletdb is an interesting package to deal with as well. It (specifically, the walletdb.DB type) is exported by the wallet package so that wallets can be created in, written to, and opened from a database. Because the callers must handle the DB, this package can not simply be made internal. However, all of the methods of the walletdb.DB interface do not need to be available to consumers of the module; only the wallet (and udb) packages need these methods.

There are two possible improvements I see here. Either the walletdb.DB type can become an opaque type that can refer to a database, and provides the wallet and udb packages with the methods needed, but without exposing those methods to consumers of the module. A second way (which may not work, and needs further investigation) could be to refer to the database by the filename rather than the database object itself.

jrick commented 6 years ago

1151 moves walletdb to become a wallet internal package and introduces an opaque type to allow the database to continue to be referenced by loader and main.

kLkA commented 6 years ago

1172 moves snacl package inside wallet internal packages dir

kLkA commented 6 years ago

1173 moves txsizes package from wallet/internal to wallet package

Additionaly, I'd open discussion about txauthors, txrules and txsizes imports.


h ""

I'd like to propose to consolidate 3 mentioned packages as a single txutils vgo module Only internal/helpers stops me from suggest to move it out of wallet package which could become txutils/helpers.go func. Sum helper funcs may also be helpful for someone using txutils to combine use in tx construction

jrick commented 6 years ago

The repo has been split into various modules with #1238.