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news: Add 10 items #1135

Closed xaur closed 10 months ago

xaur commented 11 months ago

I still don't have a good rule to follow for choosing which icon to use. If anyone has one, please open an issue, tag me and I will apply it to make our news icons consistent.

jholdstock commented 11 months ago

re: icons

xaur commented 10 months ago

re: icons #1099 (review)

Thanks for the link. Now I see what confused me back then and now again. The problem starts in the original categorization in #561: the Broadcast, streams, videos class in "Community", and Decred in media and Press releases, interviews classes in "Media and Events" all overlap. One news item can be all of: a (live)stream, a video, something "in the media", and an interview. Then the informal "broadcasts.svg for video interviews and interview.svg for audio only" is also confusing to me. Most other icons/categories do not have this problem.

For this PR I changed "Quantum and Cryptocurrency" to interview.svg because it's kind of an interview. Keeping "The Future Is Now" as dcrInMedia.svg because even though it's an interview, the microphone icon of interview.svg implies audio. Keeping the remaining two as broadcasts.svg because "broadcast" sounds like "live stream".

In the future I hope we'll define better semantics for these icons, rename them, and maybe change 1-2 icons to avoid confusion and time loss.

xaur commented 10 months ago

Please remind me should I squash or do you guys squash when merging?

jholdstock commented 10 months ago

In simple cases like this its easy to squash with GitHub. A repo maintainer may ask you to squash manually in more complicated cases so it can be done more carefully - eg. if a series of commits depend on eachother, or if their messages contain important context which may need to be updated.