decred / decrediton

Cross-platform GUI for Decred.
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Dcr Wallet - Blockchain sync loading page Redesign #2005

Open theNerdyHulk opened 5 years ago

theNerdyHulk commented 5 years ago

What if the empty spaces below the progress bar can be used to explain some few concepts about the Decred ecosystem? So I designed this. There are up to 4 different pages with 10 cards each to describe different concepts about Decred. Those design cards will keep the user informed and educated while he/she waits for the wallet to sync up to the latest blockchain state.


Illustration Credit:

ta-lind commented 5 years ago

The illustration seems to be taken from There is zero tolerance towards plagarisms and IP rights issues. Don't expect any engagement when rooting this kind of mentality for introduction.


alexlyp commented 5 years ago

image plagiarism issue aside, i like the idea behind it. definitely seems like there is some empty space that can be utilized during the initial sync.

theNerdyHulk commented 5 years ago

Yes, the image illustration is a sample (placeholder) asset to express the idea.

theNerdyHulk commented 5 years ago

@illunutee - Keep your cool, man. It's a placeholder.

ta-lind commented 5 years ago

I’m adhering to the principles of integrity for the profession. Sure there are acceptable reasons for using references as making an inspiration board or such, however these should communicate the truth at all times, particularly when posted publicly. Considering the size of dcr assets library and the existing signature illustration style – any of those or even a simple placeholder marker could have done the job just fine. The illustration used doesn’t play any significant role in communicating the idea of adding flashcards. Still instead the first instinct was to infringe upon another brands and another designers imagery by posting it publicly across twitter and github claiming “I designed this”? To me that's just as reasonable as folks who are just fine with presenting others work as their own for sales, or those who do it at job interviews. Hcash doesn't bat an eye when presenting DCRs work as their own. If this is not understood, switch the context to another work discipline and think about it again.

Efforts are made in /dcrdesign to grow the design discipline and its accessibility. I’m glad to help onboard and support all sound contributors, but vice versa bad actors get noted.

Regarding the concept – loader area is an unpredictable position for this type and amount of content placement. This is due to the time differences from SPV and connection speeds. Doubtful of the case that someone would be staring at the loader for hours, so it shouldn't be cramped full of content. Though for regular users it will likely be annoying repetition each time launcher is opened. Neither does the proposed addition take into account the bigger picture of existing onboarding flows and adding up to them. There’s the slides for first time users within launcher as well in-app tutorial instances which I hope to see get more populated.

theNerdyHulk commented 5 years ago

@linnutee Thank you for the feedback. The illustration source has been credited.

As an inference, I do not agree with your use of "cramped full of content". I was a first time user. I kept staring at the screen. I couldn't do anything else. Taking into consideration the technical implications of SPV and connection speeds -The proposed cards will likely be using SVG assets (which are super lite in size). The explainer content structure for the concepts will be less than 20 words. Also, a "hide" icon can be added to allow users to skip out the entire card section.

vctt94 commented 4 years ago

Any update on this? I also like this idea at initial sync