decred / decrediton

Cross-platform GUI for Decred.
ISC License
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Weekly automated builds #671

Open alexlyp opened 6 years ago

alexlyp commented 6 years ago

Set up a weekly automated builds to provide in-between release binaries for users and doco writers to provide feedback on an ongoing basis.

Initially we could just do linux or mac bins, but unfortunately I'm not sure how to automate the cross-platform builds all into the same automated release.

zoecarver commented 6 years ago

Gitlab CI should work for this

matheusd commented 6 years ago

Here's a tentative repo with development binaries for decrediton:

Here's a build with linux, windows and mac builds:

I have a script (which can be added either to a cron somewhere or to a separate repo to be run from travis daily/weekly) that picks the latest master from dcrd/dcrwallet/decrediton and pushes a new commit+tag+release into decred-weekly-builds.

That triggers a build in travis (for linux & mac binaries) and appveyor (for windows) which uploads the generated artifacts back into github.

Let me know if we'll follow through with this.