decred / politeia

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politeiad: Add legacypoliteia convert cmd. #1631

Closed lukebp closed 2 years ago

lukebp commented 2 years ago

The legacypoliteia tool is a CLI tool that will be used to convert and import legacy git backend data into the tstore backend. The tool will have two commands: convert and import.

The convert command converts the git backend data into tstore backend data types and saves the converted data locally to JSON files. The import command will import these JSON files into the tstore backend.

This commit adds the legacypoliteia convert command.

The convert command walks a politeia git repo and performs the conversion on each proposal found in the repo. This is not a simple conversion and some tstore types require retrieving data from external APIs. Listed below are the performance bottlenecks of the tool and the external API calls that are required.

All of the legacy data types can be found in the tool's gitbe package. The convert.go file contains all of the data conversions in an easy to audit format.

A proposal that was voted on takes <30 seconds to convert. A proposal that was not voted on takes 1-2 seconds to convert. The legacy politeia data can be fully converted in ~50 minutes. The tool uses <100 MiB of memory during execution.

Example output for a proposal conversion is shown below.

Found 115 legacy git proposals
Converting proposal 95a14094485c92ed3f578b650bd76c5f8c3fd6392650c16bd4ae37e6167c040d (1/115)
    Token    : 95a14094485c92ed3f578b650bd76c5f8c3fd6392650c16bd4ae37e6167c040d
    Version  : 1
    Iteration: 2
    State    : vetted
    Status   : public
    Timestamp: 1616835515
    Merkle   : 62fdd81f3e15c8fcd4fa85d27d88147a321ca75e1f4ec9eaf126ab58c4121b59
  Proposal metadata
    Name       : Video Content Production for Decred Phase 3
    LegacyToken: 95a14094485c92ed3f578b650bd76c5f8c3fd6392650c16bd4ae37e6167c040d
  Vote metadata
    Link by: 0
    Link to:
  User metadata
    User ID  : 65706d2f-f82b-4aa5-b4eb-4b1140f4f41f
    PublicKey: 1d3a6202cf928d4c53ea9a4cc3df59f819d2ffc6a2d703bdd6ea001a7bc460f3
    Signature: 20667734b151ddb34608fb817377d8f41c25c81d4e43ca89b3561d707f9d4a847287d986441261cd4162c311e4ae16665dddf00d69c80344206efaed8eceb80a
  Status changes
    Token    : 95a14094485c92ed3f578b650bd76c5f8c3fd6392650c16bd4ae37e6167c040d
    Version  : 1
    Status   : public
    PublicKey: 1b7eefd4769c37397eb670a443c3f1827cb77a49d3ca812cd8e53b7344238346
    Signature: df4991c2854c3d927bb8e2cd79eb5e77d972e42913943c22af90d9f2c54676b36a9ce8952cdbecf40d56569716c8d7b2bea8c18e05e3c61468c77cba559bc107
    Reason   :
    Timestamp: 1616835515
    Parsed 6 comment adds
    Parsed 0 comment dels
    Parsed 16 comment votes
    Token    : 95a14094485c92ed3f578b650bd76c5f8c3fd6392650c16bd4ae37e6167c040d
    Version  : 1
    Action   : authorize
    PublicKey: 1d3a6202cf928d4c53ea9a4cc3df59f819d2ffc6a2d703bdd6ea001a7bc460f3
    Signature: 79d5edfbe0242bfdad00a15590c56d676a0bcad5c91b8ff3d2ab3d502a6ab2898245aed33f23953698441a1865175c3b6268a67c2f64795ddead4f9f0633f00d
    Timestamp: 1617506203
    Receipt  : ed27fbbfba4ff31a125b7ebb4ed759b9bd0c6c31b0624cc718babb4b1ba2aaafcfdfc916c86940ce6513f9061b29d20b68282ab3b7cf497b3ba82868c41ec100
  Vote details
    Token       : 95a14094485c92ed3f578b650bd76c5f8c3fd6392650c16bd4ae37e6167c040d
    Version     : 1
    Type        : 1
    Mask        : 3
    Duration    : 2016
    Quorum      : 20
    Pass        : 60
    Options     : [{ID:no Description:Don't approve proposal Bit:1} {ID:yes Description:Approve proposal Bit:2}]
    Parent      :
    Start height: 543233
    Start hash  : 00000000000000000a8e52fa0c35b3ce498e38621b7dac59924cc0e28e8f6c3e
    End height  : 545505
  Cast votes
    Parsed 16334 vote journal entries
    Retrieving commitment addresses from dcrdata...
    Retrieved addresses 16334/16334
    Parsing the vote timestamps from the git logs...
    Parsing ballot journal commit 165/165
    16334 vote timestamps found
    1    : 337
    2    : 15997
    Total: 16334
    Verifying cast vote signature 16334/16334