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Markdown and Git UX for writers #114

Open xaur opened 5 years ago

xaur commented 5 years ago

To convert more writers to Markdown, Git and GitHub we need to offer them smooth integrated UX.

Required features:

For more advanced operations, find good tools that are safe to recommend: Git GUI, diff/merge tool.

Find good guidelines, tutorials, videos.


feature Atom Brackets vscode
Markdown preview yes yes
RTL no yes
Git yes
jholdstock commented 5 years ago

vscode should be considered:

Really nice integration with git as well, including a nice visual diff tool

xaur commented 5 years ago

Thanks @jholdstock, added to the list.

We tested Atom and it doesn't work with RTL text. In Atom issues people say vscode handles RTL.

xaur commented 5 years ago

Atom, vscode and Brackets don't seem to work with RTL text out of the box. Shame for these hipster editors by large corporations, because the basic Gnome's gedit handles it pretty well! Some things we can try is gedit on Windows and WebStorm from JetBrains (people say PhpStorm works with RTL, so WebStorm should too).