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Mistakes in Smith & Crown Decred Research Paper #119

Open ghost opened 5 years ago

ghost commented 5 years ago

There are multiple mistakes/omissions in recently released Decred: Deep Dive Report (PDF) by Smith + Crown.

xaur commented 5 years ago

Good findings! Edited issue source a bit.

Page 12: Section below seems confusing. doesn’t really make clear if Treasury is controlled by DAO or DHG, seems to contradict itself. Also mentions on chain vote while Politeia votes are offchain, and mentions smart contracts for DAE. Can anyone clear if this is correct?

Correct, Politeia is all off-chain, no on-chain voting for fund allocations exist.

Correction: The section is talking about Politeia. It should be made clear that DAE will be implemented in future and right now DHG does the payments. It mentions both as if they are both happening. Does DCC automates a part of this?

iirc DCC will automate invoicing, reporting, and maybe semi-automate payments in a sense of improving accountant's productivity, but ultimately the trigger will still be manual until DAE smart contracts are implemented.