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Support subreddit #120

Open xaur opened 5 years ago

xaur commented 5 years ago

Benefits I see from a dedicated support subreddit:

There is a chance better support would happen on a dedicated subreddit because devs are more likely to watch a place where only support requests are allowed, compared to filtering through a general place like r/decred. Multiple times I stumbled upon unanswered support questions in posts and comments and forwarded them to #support chat room.

Testing it is cheap:

Tsunekazu commented 5 years ago

Not needed now as there's isn't enough activity to justify it ( r/Decred has less than a post per day ) but for the future, the way to redirect people to the new sub would be to automate the bot moderator to automatically identify, hide AND repost support threads to the new sub.

Tsunekazu commented 5 years ago

One more thing; the mods answering questions on the support subreddit could perhaps charge for their work. The main subreddit mods should only charge for 'structural work' imo (CSS redesign, automoderator tinkering, etc.) - not for posting news about DCR.

xaur commented 5 years ago

Good point, that looks like regular support staff work that is easier to verify (billing-wise) when it all happens in a dedicated place.