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Add open positions to Golang job boards #124

Open noahpierau opened 5 years ago

noahpierau commented 5 years ago

We could leverage existing job boards to attract more Golang devs.


xaur commented 5 years ago

I have a concern with posting jobs, quoting @noahpierau himself from politeiagui#747:

A work/job page is very different from this approach. Honestly, I don't think it's a good idea for an open source project such as Decred. It will attract a lot of people who are used to the corporate way of working and are looking for a way to pay their bills. I've dealt with 100s of applicants via and only a few of them showed up on Slack (and only a few of those actually contributed). It cost me a lot of time, with relatively little reward for the project.

To me it makes more sense that our corporate contractors (or the people who submitted a proposal to the community) do the recruitment / hiring themselves.

Not opposing the idea, there is something in it and it's definitely worth discussing. I only suggest to find the right vision first.

  1. What kind of people will we target, and how - with what message?
  2. Volatile compensation can be an issue, on traditional job listings people would expect to get exactly what they bill for.
s-ben commented 5 years ago

It will attract a lot of people who are used to the corporate way of working and are looking for a way to pay their bills

So this is me basically. Though a) I was done with the corporate way of working (one of the main reasons Decred is exciting to me) and b) while I do pay my bills with DCR (converted to USD, no landloards taking it yet:), I don't have expectations of typical (in the US anyway) job, with accompanying salary/security/legal protections. Been meaning to diversity income further (still do some freelancing), but Decred just keeps sucking you in...

I think if you post the words "blockchain" and "go" in a job posting, you're going to get a bunch of good candidates. But those candidates will be largely looking for a job. With like, assurances that you won't get a 50% pay cut due to market volatility, or get "laid off" with no legal recourse or unemployment insurance, etc. Those aren't as important to me, but will for most highly skilled go developers (who will have a lot of options). You either have to write one hell of a job description, which sets the right expectations (not easy), and/or make the process of becoming a paid contractor smoother and "job-like" (i.e. some kind of assurances/stability, even if they don't take traditional form).

xaur commented 5 years ago

post the words "blockchain" and "go"

I'd add "cryptocurrency".

You either have to write one hell of a job description

"Warning: you are leaving the comfortable and secure job postings area. If you dare, read below."

s-ben commented 5 years ago

"Warning: you are leaving the comfortable and secure job postings area. If you dare, read below."

"After this, there is no turning back. You click back on your browser—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You click this link—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember: all I'm offering is the truth (and enough volatile cryptocurrency to buy porridge with all the nutrition a human body needs)."

nottrunner commented 5 years ago

I've gradually come to agree with a lot of the sentiments stated above by @s-ben and @xaur

There is something about the organic process of people seeking to learn about Decred and advancing to their point of comfort. Those that cross the precipice into contribution would have displayed the necessary depth of interest and commitment to warrant a more "formal" role.