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Decred Global Meetup #143

Open xaur opened 4 years ago

xaur commented 4 years ago

Posted by @3lian in chat:

I was thinking about a way to leverage our global community and thought about having a #DecredGlobalMeetup the Thursday before Decred's birthday on February 8 and make this a sort of tradition to rise awareness of Decred and to celebrate its existence

socialmedia/marketing wise it could be a great way to create content and to push the hashtag #DecredGlobalMeetup in an organic fashion by having people from all over the world posting content from their respective meetups

we could easily make this in more than a dozen countries in a single day (Australia, Singapur, China, Canada, United Stated, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Poland, Italy, Portugal, just to name a few on top of my mind) (2019-09-17)