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Status monitoring for Decred services #148

Open xaur opened 4 years ago

xaur commented 4 years ago

This is a high level overview of status monitoring tools that would be nice to have.

The two main use cases are "show me current status" (pull) and "notify me when things change" (push).

Decred Status Dashboard

Show status, updated times and history of incidents of all important services in one page. This could live at + 1 mirror elsewhere.


Decred Status Notifications

Monitor services listed above and generate events for their status changes.

From those events, generate notifications and publish them via special-purpose Twitter account and a dedicated Matrix room.

Bonus task: RSS, Atom.


It will likely be the same system that reuses monitoring and events generation for both the dashboard and notifications.

P.S. Inspired by today's GitHub incident, their status dashboard and their dedicated status Twitter account.

xaur commented 3 years ago

Infura's status page was helpful to learn about the timeline of Nov 11 Ethereum Geth incident.