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Name for Decred's hybrid PoW-PoS consensus #54

Closed xaur closed 5 years ago

xaur commented 5 years ago

Discussed here.


acronym(s) full
2FC, TFC Two Factor Consensus
APoW Approved Proof of Work
DCA Decred Consensus Algorithm
ePoW-2FC enhanced PoW - Two Factor Consensus
FRC, FRPoW Fork Resistant (Consensus | Proof of Work)
hPoWaS hybrid Proof of Work and Stake
hPoWPoS hybrid Proof of Work Proof of Stake
hPoWS hybrid Proof of Work Stake
MFC Multifactor Consensus (lots of support here)
PoAW Proof of Approved Work
PoC, PoA, PoU Proof of (Agreement | Concord | Consensus | Unity)
PoD Proof of Decision
PoG Proof of Governance
PoP, PofP Proof of Participation
PoSITG Proof of Skin in the Game
PoV Proof of Vote
PoWaS Proof of Work and Stake - "PoWaS to the people!"
PoWPoS, PoW/PoS, PoW+PoS Proof of Work Proof of Stake
PoWSA Proof of Work Stakeholder Approved (note: autotranslates to 'power')
RPoW Ratified Proof of Work
QMC, QMPoW Qualified Majority (Consensus | Proof of Work)
SAPoW Stake Approved Proof of Work
SC Stratified Consensus (first used in Dec 2015)
SC, SMC, SPoW, SMPoW Supermajority (Consensus | Proof of Work)
SCC, SCPoW Stake Compliant (Consensus | Proof of Work)
SGC Stratified Gamification Consensus
SVPoW Stake Validated Proof of Work
VAPoW Voter Approved Proof of Work
0xmzz commented 5 years ago

Stake Compliant Proof of Work (SCPoW) Fork Resistant Proof of Work (FRPoW) Supermajority Proof of Work (SPoW) Qualified Majority Proof of Work (QMPoW)

*PoW in the above can be replaced by "Consensus" as well.

xaur commented 5 years ago

Discussion continued here, Multifactor Consensus (MFC) gained some support.

noahpierau commented 5 years ago

Multifactor Consensus (MFC) gained some support.

Yes, this was the most popular alternative to hybrid consensus. Personally I wouldn't abbreviate, since it isn't a known concept yet.

hypernoob commented 5 years ago

The suggested names can be categorized into 4 groups.

  1. Slight changes from the existing name
acronym(s) full
hPoWaS hybrid Proof of Work and Stake
hPoWPoS hybrid Proof of Work Proof of Stake
hPoWS hybrid Proof of Work Stake
PoWaS Proof of Work and Stake - "PoWaS to the people!"
PoWPoS, PoW/PoS, PoW+PoS Proof of Work Proof of Stake
  1. Describe how the consensus works
acronym(s) full
APoW Approved Proof of Work
PoAW Proof of Approved Work
PoWSA Proof of Work Stakeholder Approved (note: autotranslates to 'power')
RPoW Ratified Proof of Work
SAPoW Stake Approved Proof of Work
SVPoW Stake Validated Proof of Work
VAPoW Voter Approved Proof of Work
  1. Describe features of the consensus
acronym(s) full
2FC, TFC Two Factor Consensus
ePoW-2FC enhanced PoW - Two Factor Consensus
FRC, FRPoW Fork Resistant (Consensus | Proof of Work)
MFC Multifactor Consensus (lots of support here)
PoG Proof of Governance
PoSITG Proof of Skin in the Game
PoV Proof of Vote
QMC, QMPoW Qualified Majority (Consensus | Proof of Work)
SC Stratified Consensus (first used in Dec 2015)
SC, SMC, SPoW, SMPoW Supermajority (Consensus | Proof of Work)
SCC, SCPoW Stake Compliant (Consensus | Proof of Work)
SGC Stratified Gamification Consensus
  1. Others
acronym(s) full
DCA Decred Consensus Algorithm
PoC, PoA, PoU Proof of (Agreement | Concord | Consensus | Unity)
PoD Proof of Decision
PoP, PofP Proof of Participation

Personally I prefer group 2. All names in group 2 include "Proof of Work" which is widely regarded as a very secure consensus mechanism therefore they suit Decred's hypersecure brand. Describing how the consensus works also prevents projects with different security models from claiming to have the same consensus (e.g. a hypothetical PoW/dPoS coin can say they are MFC too) and thus diluting our brand.

noahpierau commented 5 years ago

This issue can be closed, in my opinion.

We decided to stick with hybrid PoW+PoS in the messaging document. Most of us agreed that multifactor consensus is another good way of describing it, but since hybrid PoW+PoS is already well known we will keep using that (rather than focusing our efforts on something new).

xaur commented 5 years ago

Agreed, closing. If this discussion resurfaces, link them here and reopen as needed.

xaur commented 5 years ago

Name for Decred's consensus model and protocol upgrade process was mentioned again in this reddit thread. Proof of Vote was suggested again.

And if we want to get real technical in identifying what it actually is, then staking is a bit of a questionable term to describe the system as it means risking something. In Decred you don't risk any DCR, apart from opportunity cost, as your full funds will be returned whether your ticket votes or not. The system in Decred would maybe be better described as Proof of Vote. Which is a nice lead into the governance aspect.

We vote on blocks, vote on proposals, vote on blockchain changes. And for this voting participation the ticket holder gets rewarded.

hypernoob commented 5 years ago

I disagree you have to risk (losing/destroying) DCR to call it staking as it isn't the case in other PoS coins. Ultimately Decred blocks are produced by PoW miners so IMO it shouldn't be excluded from the name.