dee-corr / Apnoea-Detection

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Which option #4

Open markdeegan opened 9 years ago

markdeegan commented 9 years ago

MQTTT-PING: true/fale LOCALDB-PING: true/false LOCALFILE-PING: true/false

markdeegan commented 9 years ago

How do we 'ping' the MQTT server. Do we need to open ICMP ports Even if we did, does DIT's firewall allow that? Try it at home.

markdeegan commented 9 years ago

Look at case:esac case: pingmqtt 0: launch with mutt destination 1: case or else if

different options all called form the bash script (or python)

ghost commented 9 years ago

Lilypad set up

Named pipe in linux cat - list contents of file

mkfifo - first in first out file named pipe empties mkfifo namedpipe

touch - create empty file HiveMQ enter into database plug in