deedy / Deedy-Resume

A one page , two asymmetric column resume template in XeTeX that caters to an undergraduate Computer Science student
Apache License 2.0
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Modifying Colors #46

Open prateekiiest opened 6 years ago

prateekiiest commented 6 years ago

Is there any way of modification of colors ? Since in some areas it kind of gets faded out

tonystonee commented 6 years ago

I agree with this question, I try to change the color of the \section and get error: Package xcolor Error: Undefined colorRED'.`

I can't seem to find a work around, anyone know of one?

bradklassen commented 4 years ago

I am also wondering about changing the color.

KrishnenduBanerjee commented 3 years ago

Go to the very first option below fonts and then go to the define color section and change the hex code of the heading section into any color u wish to!!!

fzeiser commented 3 years ago

Does following work for you (eg. in the clsfile) :


instead of \definecolor{primary}{HTML}{2b2b2b} to change the color of the primary text.

I've had some issues with hyperref link colors (which I defined as \colorlet{urlcolor}{MidnightBlue!50!black}, leaving the primary color with it's default.) The colored links would not come up in some sections. In that case it helped to insert following statement(s):

\usepackage[colorlinks, linkcolor=urlcolor, urlcolor=urlcolor]{hyperref}
fzeiser commented 3 years ago

For the hyperref comment: It seems like #41 solved it without the \makeatletter part. It I recall it correctly, without it, my links were colored only in some environments of the document.

tilaktrs commented 3 years ago

can anyone give final code for changing color of the section !

fzeiser commented 3 years ago

Within the cls file, use following section to get e.g. green text in the sections that use primary as color. For convenience, I changed the color specification to use dvinames instead of the Hexcode:

% Package Imports
\usepackage[hmargin=1.25cm, vmargin=0.75cm]{geometry}
\hypersetup{colorlinks, breaklinks, urlcolor=SkyBlue, linkcolor=SkyBlue}

% Publications
\renewcommand\refname{\vskip -1.5cm}

% Color definitions
% \definecolor{primary}{HTML}{2b2b2b} % <-- old definition
\colorlet{primary}{green} % <-- new definition; use any other color you like [or define it as HTML above, if preferred]
gururani-abhishek commented 1 year ago

I agree with this question, I try to change the color of the \section and get error: Package xcolor Error: Undefined colorRED'.`

I can't seem to find a work around, anyone know of one?

I'm way too late, but that's because everything is casted into Upper Case, so red -> RED which is not identified. Just add these two lines : \usepackage{xcolor} -> to add color package \colorlet{BLUE}{blue} -> to tell the compiler consider BLUE(due to automatic casting) as blue.