deedy5 / duckduckgo_search

Search for words, documents, images, videos, news, maps and text translation using the search engine. Downloading files and images to a local hard drive.
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getting ratelimit exception on all existing code. #204

Closed steelliberty closed 3 months ago

steelliberty commented 3 months ago

Hi --

I am getting this exception : duckduckgo_search.exceptions.DuckDuckGoSearchException: _aget_url() DuckDuckGoSearchException: Ratelimit

I have existing code that worked for 6 weeks and stopped today-- it is was in this form : (query was given) with DDGS() as ddgs: search_results_list = [r for r in ddgs.text(f"{query}", max_results=num_results,region="us-en", safesearch="off", timelimit="m",)]

Then I tried an example from the site: results = DDGS().text('live free or die', region='wt-wt', safesearch='off', timelimit='y', max_results=10)

and this results = DDGS().text("python programming", max_results=5) print(results)

I was running 4.3 Now I am running 5.1 (unable to get 5.2 to build wheel) Same results

thank you --

deedy5 commented 3 months ago

Hi. There were some changes in the api today, so the package stopped working. Fixed in version v5.2.1